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  1. kooky Member

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    Does anyone have any information on working in the Middle East?

    An employment offer has come up for me but I am dealing with an agency, that is run by nurses. The pay seems pretty low, although it is tax free!

    I would be grateful if anybody can help with terms and conditions, pay etc and what it's actually like.

  2. CraigT Well-Known Member

    It depends on where you are working in the Middle East as to what to expect culturally. There are a wide range of standards between somewhere like the UAE (most western) and somewhere like Saudi Arabia (more strict/ closed society).
    As for the work- Diabetes is a huge issue here so high risk cases are the norm for a lot of the general hospitals. I work in a sports and orthopaedic specialist hospital and find that most people don't realise that Sports Podiatry exists. They think that Podiatry is mainly for Diabetic feet.
    Not sure if this helps at all as you haven't given much in the way of details-
    You can PM me if you would like more info.
< Practice Wanted, NSW, Australia | One/two weekly sessions avail in med centre in Melb, Vic, Australia >

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