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moving to australia. HELP!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by tamsintaylor389, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. tamsintaylor389

    tamsintaylor389 Welcome New Poster

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    Im looking to move to australia but Im just looking for a bit of help and advice on it.

    I know that in England for me to practice as a private practitioner which I am doing now I have to have HPC registration, membership to one of the bodies and public liability insurance. I'm just wondering what are the laws Id have to conform to in Australia?

    Also for me to work in Australia would I need to do any refresher course or anything? Ive only recently qualified this year and finding work here in the UK is abysmal as we all know.

    Im also just wondering what kind of contracts of employment are most common over there? are pods usually self employed or taken on as employees?

    Im looking to go to Melbourne as I have friends who are currently over there and there are three of us planning to head over in the summer.

    Any advice anyone could give me would be great :)

  2. Tuckersm

    Tuckersm Well-Known Member

    check the Podiatry Board and ANZPAC websites for information on registering in Australia.

    Yes you do need insurance (which can be employer provided if you work in the public system), as well as up to date First aid and recognition of your UK qualifications.

    The employment conditions vary a bit between states, but in Victoria, about 25% of Podiatrists work in Public sector positions (mainly community health) with the other 75% split about 50/50 between self employed or employed by another podiatrist.

    It will take at least 3 months to have your qualifications recognised, plus what ever time it make take to get a working visa.
  3. 3rd_Lumbrical

    3rd_Lumbrical Member

    Dear Tamsin,

    Job prospects aren't as terrible in Aus compared to the UK. If you are looking for work in Melbourne or indeed anywhere in Australia I would recommend searching the job vacancies links of the various podiatry association state websites (for example http://www.podiatryvic.com.au/classifieds.htm ).

    If you find a job that you are interested in, you should ask them about sponsoring your visa (e457 visa, see http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/employer-sponsored.htm ). This means that if you are offered the job and you accept, and your employer's nomination is approved, you will be eligible for a 4 year working visa (the e457). This is the first step in gaining permanent residency and I know a few people who have done this with some success.

    You will have to apply to ANZPAC for accreditation (simple paper based app form), and then you will have to register with the Podiatry Board of Australia (similar simple form). Bear in mind that the cost of relocation, registration with regulatory bodies, and visa applications are not particularly cheap and will add up to a fairly substantial total.

    My advice would be start saving, start your job hunt, aim to get sponsorship, start getting your educational documents (uni transcripts, degree certificate) and personal documents (passport, birth certificate) certified (the visa website will give details about who can certify docs), and once you have certified copies make PDF scans of all of them.

    You may have guessed that I have made a similar move recently. If you have any further questions please fire away.

  4. JRB123

    JRB123 Active Member

    Hi - I worked in Australia for abit in Perth. I was also newly qualified. I had to sit an exam (which I think has since been scrapped so luckily you won't have to do it!). I got in touch with the local Uni (Curtin) and spent time observing in their clinics and they were really great and helpful. Also they helped find me locum work which was really helpful. It tended to be mostly private work. I also wrote to about 20 podiatrists from the yellow pages to see if I could spend a day in their clinic. I had about 25% response from mostly British podiatrists who were also really helpful. I spent a day or 2 in their clinics. I mostly covered aged care facilities. Personally, as newly qualified I didn't feel confident enough to cover sports biomechanics clinics of which there were quite a few. Although the Uni did a 2 day biomechanics course which was good. Sadly Curtin doesn't offer a Podiatry course anymore. However I think they do still offer it in Melboure. Some of the clinics I covered were where the podiatrist had put a tender in for the contract (but I don't really understand process very well myself!) but it seemed to be how it worked there! Overall it was a positive experience and I know a few podiatrists from my old Uni are now working over there too! Good luck with your move!

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