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  1. JAYNES Active Member

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    Hi all,
    I have a 22 year old male fit and healthy, complaining of MTSS and peroneus pain only on running. the MTSS pain is worse.
    Bilateral cavus feet.
    His physio diagnosed shin splints and advised him to see a pod.
    The pain only started two weeks ago when his training increased ( footy player).
    His foot wear has not changed been wearing same footwear for last 4 months.
    My concern is if a place a varus wedge on orthotic for his MTSS will this cause more strain to the lateral tendons as he already has pain there and a cavoid foot.

    I have used varus wedges for runners only with MTSS before but not cavus feet with pain in the peroneals.

    I would really be grateful for some help on this.

    Thanks Jaynes
  2. N.Knight Active Member

    Hmmm like looking at my feet then, I can get the same problems.

    I am presuing that there is a tightness gastrocs and peroneals???

    Some more details of the Ax would help a bit.

    Can I if there is a plantar flexed 1st ray and or a FnHl?

    Personally I was a Orthoses with a 3mm heel raise, no rear foot post, lateral FF post and a 1st ray cut out with a Cluffy.

    Combine this with stretching of the gastrocs and peroneals keeps me pain free.


  3. JAYNES Active Member

    Hi nick,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Yes tight gastrocs and bilateral plantar flexed rays.
    Can you explain what a cluffy is?
    Thanks agin for your help.
  4. efuller MVP

    When I was a fit 21 year old I took up street hockey (increase in a specific activity) and got shin splints that went away after the 3rd week of playing. Are you sure it's MTSS?

  5. JAYNES Active Member

    hi eric, yes i am sure it is MTSS and the physio has diagnosed this also.

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