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  1. TeaBelly Member

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    Hi All

    As a podiatrist who is new to the Australian healthcare system, can someone please explain why GPs are able to claim from Medicare for performing nail surgery but podiatrists can't.


  2. DaVinci Well-Known Member

  3. LuckyLisfranc Well-Known Member

    It could all be changed with the stroke of a pen if the political will was there.

    They would just need to put a little asterix against the item number/s for nail surgery (and any other relevant service you care to suggest) that podiatrists and their patients could be rebated on, IN ADDITION to medical practitioners.

    In my opinion the MBS is one of the most anti-competitive pieces of bureaucracy that the government administers.

    Write to your local federal MP and point this out.

    Patient A = gets procedure by GP and gets a rebate
    Patient B = gets procedure by Podiatrist and pays full amount

    Argue that Podiatrist is explicitly trained in the care of foot problems, as compared to a GP who would have little formal education in this anatomical region. And just how does this benefit the health of Australians?

    Meanwhile the GP also gets 'incentives' to allow the patient to claim electronically, and all manner of other little bits of cash.

    Political lobbying is the only way it will ever change.

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