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    This is the latest addition to the Spooner family, she's an eight week old labradoodle; we bring her into our home when we get back from Florida.

    Alison, Grace and I have differing ideas on a suitable name (I wanted to go with Dave). All suggestions gratefully received. Nothing podiatry related PLEASE.

    Attached Files:

  2. Griff Moderator

  3. Alison says: she's not a pudding; I say, he was a bloke.
  4. Griff Moderator

    Yeah, but a little part of you likes it cos it's educational...?
  5. although this would fit better for Spooner - Socrates
  6. She's a girl..... although I like the idea of a philosopher (cause it educational, K Griff), yet I also like the name "Keith".
  7. Medusa as my idea since it a she with curly hair
  8. Come on guys, it's me that's going to have to shout this in the park every day. Hence I've already rejected "snow toes". I know I said not podiatry related but maybe, Kirby? ;-)
  9. Molly
  10. Griff Moderator

    You calling across a busy park in Plymouth... Well in that case I vote for 'Precious'
  11. That's not bad and is being placed on the potential list. Alison quite likes Polly too, but she ain't a parrot- right?
  12. David Wedemeyer Well-Known Member

    Cute pup Simon! Being a black dog & female, how about Ash (ley)?
  13. I just proposed "Griff", but my good lady rejected that one outright. Sorry fella.
  14. Griff Moderator

  15. Now the Mrs is getting more forceful. I quote: "come on these people are supposed to be intelligent, they're just dicking around". She called it how she saw it, boys.
  16. Yeah, I'd suggested "Nigger" in honour of Guy Gibson's dog earlier in the evening. I don't know why, but we all felt a little uncomfortable with that one.
  17. Griff Moderator

    We've been caught and bowled... 'Dicking around since 2004...'

    Ok, some serious suggestions:

  18. And the Mrs says: "next..."
  19. Griff Moderator

    Jeez... tough crowd...
  20. You should try living with 'em ;)
  21. David Wedemeyer Well-Known Member


    In the end most female dogs earn the name Floozy, tart, love biscuit etc anyway....
  22. Griff Moderator

    My last crack at impressing Alison:

  23. "Don't give up your day job". Take it up with her yourself the next time we're all together, Griff (I would :bash:). Favourite at the moment is a derivative of Mikes "Molly" suggestion, it's "Holly" I quite like it since I was a big fan of early red dwarf.
  24. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Decorum..........so that you can exercise it sometimes
  25. Griff Moderator

    I'm also a fan.

    Kryton and Lister obviously wouldn't work.

    However surely a hilarious option would be 'Cat'
  26. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Apparently Robin is a pretty good name, and unisex too ;)
  27. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Bob *said with the Rowan atkinson speech impediment*

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  28. twirly Well-Known Member

    My pathetic input (although looking at other contenders mine may not seem so poor).


    Or you could spend a few weeks checking out this site

    PS. She is beautiful x
  29. Robin and Griff your latest posts raised a smile with she who must be...She obviously warming to you (she's just had a glass of red though, so that might account for it).

    Thus far she likes Holly and Kirby, how do we feel about Kirby?
  30. That's what I call my daughter.

    Cheers though Twirls...

    Hang on a minute.... what about Twirly?
  31. Griff Moderator

    Keep that vino flowing son - I get funny after midnight
  32. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Apparently Kirby is a little bit traditional......so they say anyway
  33. Griff Moderator

    Good point.

    Kirby, the angry Labradoodle?
  34. Good shout's both of you. Raised a smile on my face anyway.
  35. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Orthosie - the Greek godess of prosperity
  36. twirly Well-Known Member

    <Flattered> I think you would become tired of realising she will rarely listen & have a tendency toward childish behaviour. She also may have difficulties with being house trained! ;) Not weeing in the wrong place you'll understand, just unlikely to be great at dusting or putting her toys away. :empathy:

    Not good with a collar & lead either........:rolleyes:
  37. RobinP Well-Known Member

    This is my only serious suggestion, and my last so here goes

  38. I would hate to see the poor dog be burdened with a traditional name such as "Kirby".

    This beautiful puppy looks like a "Maggie" to me.
  39. Kirby a name used in Film as well - Kirby gets lost maybe not show this to the wife as Kirby maybe off the list.

    A music idea - a whole lot of Rosie Rosie and a cool story to tell the young pup when your hanging out - Dad how did I get my name - well your named after a 6 foot red head Tasmania women and man wrote a song about it.

    Or - A boy named Sue Sue - Dad how did I get my name well your named after a boy Johnny Cash wrote a song about.

    Which brings me to another idea - Cash

    Ps could not sleep last night can you tell.
  40. Peter Well-Known Member

    ZuZu (Its a wonderful life)
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