< Community Podiatrist North West Tasmania | Podiatrist - G1 or 2 PT fixed Term. Maroondah Hospital: Melbourne >
  1. brett Active Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    If you need sponsorship and you are in Australia or on your way to Australia.

    Allow Your World Recruitment to help you get a job with sponsorship assistance

    contact brett on 02 9411 7440 or brett@ywrec.com.au
  2. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Hi Brett,

    I'm tyre kicking a bit here. I am actually an orthotist, not a podiatrist. I have no immediate plans to move to Australia or any serious ones for the future as yet. However, I would be interested to know if there is a need for orthotists and what would be the criteria for getting sponsorship

    Don't bother if it takes too much effort to find out - as I said, I'm more curious


< Community Podiatrist North West Tasmania | Podiatrist - G1 or 2 PT fixed Term. Maroondah Hospital: Melbourne >

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