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New hope for chronic non-healing wounds

Discussion in 'Diabetic Foot & Wound Management' started by NewsBot, Aug 21, 2013.

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    Press Release:
    PHCRI research study gives hope to those with chronic non-healing wounds
    Granzyme B degrades extracellular matrix and contributes to delayed wound closure in apolipoprotein E knockout mice
    P R Hiebert, D Wu and D J Granville
    Cell Death & Differentiation , (2 August 2013) | doi:10.1038/cdd.2013.96
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    The Relationship Of The Apolipoprotein E Gene Polymorphism In Turkish Type 2 Diabetic Patients With And Without Diabetic Foot Ulcers
    Erdogan Mehmet et al
    Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews; Available online 3 October 2015
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    Altered ECM Deposition by Diabetic Foot Ulcer-Derived Fibroblasts Implicates Fibronectin in Chronic Wound Repair.
    Maione AG et al
    Wound Repair Regen. 2016 Apr 22
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    Repairing chronic wounds
    NIH grant supports University of Delaware research to engineer new biomaterials
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    NEWS RELEASE 19-JUL-2021
    A new, inexpensive way to heal chronic wounds
    An MSU-led team is developing an inexpensive biopolymer dressing to heal injuries like diabetic foot ulcers that affect millions of patients all over the world

    EAST LANSING, Mich. - Tens of millions of patients around the world suffer from persistent and potentially life-threatening wounds. These chronic wounds, which are also a leading cause of amputation, have treatments, but the cost of existing wound dressings can prevent them from reaching people in need.

    Now, a Michigan State University researcher is leading an international team of scientists to develop a low-cost, practical biopolymer dressing that helps heal these wounds.

    "The existing efficient technologies are far too expensive for most health care systems, greatly limiting their use in a timely manner," said Morteza Mahmoudi, an assistant professor in the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and the Precision Health Program. "An economically accessible, practical and effective technology is needed."

    To develop that new technology, Mahmoudi tapped into years of experience and expertise, having studied advanced materials to heal heart tissue, fight infections and support immune systems. But the team also kept an eye on cost, working to develop a product that could be made available to as many patients as possible, even in resource constrained markets.

    "My goal is always to make something that works and is practical," Mahmoudi said. "I want to see my research become clinical products that help patients."

    With his latest work, published July 19 in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics, Mahmoudi is getting closer to that goal. He's working with partners in the United Kingdom who have started a company to oversee the development and approval of the new technology.

    "We are building an experienced and expert team in the U.K. who will be able to efficiently commercialize the dressing," Mahmoudi said. "The company has just won a very competitive Eurostar grant to accelerate product development."

    Working with his collaborators, Mahmoudi conducted a small pilot trial of the wound dressing with 13 patients with chronic wounds, all of whom were cured, he said.

    Patients with advanced chronic wounds -- those which do not respond to traditional therapies -- are estimated to number over 45 million globally, making this one of the world's most pressing and urgent health care needs, Mahmoudi said.

    The United States is home to about 5% of this population, yet more than 90% of the sales of "active" wound care technologies happen in the U.S. That essentially means that the rest of the world is left out, Mahmoudi said.

    Venous leg ulcers and pressure ulcers associated with immobility in older and paralyzed patients are also major causes of chronic wounds, but perhaps the best-known examples of this type of injury being diabetic foot ulcers. Worldwide, there are more than 400 million people living with diabetes, and some studies have estimated that up to a quarter of those patients will develop foot ulcers within their lifetime.

    Even with the high level of care available in the U.S., more than 30% of patients who develop a diabetic foot ulcer will die within five years of its onset. For reference, that percentage is higher than breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer.

    Diabetic foot ulcers also illustrate many of the reasons why chronic wounds can be so challenging to treat.

    Patients with diabetes can be dealing with restricted blood flow and other factors that slow their immune response, compromising the body's ability to heal the wound on its own. They can also have nerve damage that dulls the wound's pain and can delay patients from seeking treatment. When wounds heal more slowly and stay open longer, bacteria have more opportunities to cause infections and lead to serious complications. Put bluntly, there's a lot going wrong in a chronic wound.

    "Chronic wounds are some of the most complicated things doctors have to treat," Mahmoudi said. "If you want to make a dressing that works, it has to address all those problems. And in order to be relevant to the majority of patients in the world, it has to be easy to use, practical and inexpensive as well."

    There are many technologies available to support healing in chronic wounds, but those that can stimulate tissue regeneration are typically derived from harvested natural tissues. This is complex and expensive, resulting in products that cost upwards of $1,000, putting them out of reach for many patients and health care systems.

    To attack those problems, Mahmoudi drew on a wealth of experience in developing new materials for biomedical applications. By designing a product that can be manufactured from readily available biopolymers, production costs can be kept low, and the team could add various other materials to lead to improved healing.

    The team starts with a flexible framework of nanofibers -- exceedingly thin threads -- of natural polymers, including collagen, a structural-support protein found in our skin and cartilage. The framework provides a three-dimensional scaffold that fosters cell migration and the development of new blood vessels, essentially replicating the function of the extracellular matrix, the natural support system found in healthy, living tissue.

    "It's important that the physical and mechanical properties of the dressing are really close to that of skin," Mahmoudi said. "In order to heal, the new cells have to feel like they're at home."

    To that framework, the team can incorporate proteins, peptides and nanoparticles that not only spur the growth of new cells and blood vessels but also fight off bacteria by encouraging a patient's own immune system to join the charge. (The team's experiences on these elements were documented in earlier publications in Nature Nanotechnology and Trends in Biotechnology).

    The dressing also degrades over time, meaning that nobody would have to change or remove it and potentially aggravate the wound site. And at roughly $20 apiece, Mahmoudi believes that the dressings -- if and when approved by regulatory agencies -- will be affordable to even resource-strapped health care systems faced with treating these serious wounds.

    Although there are many existing wound care products, Mahmoudi is optimistic that the new dressing will stand out thanks to its low cost, high performance and another piece of research he did years ago.

    For this previous project, though, he wasn't developing any new technology. He was interviewing hundreds of health care workers around the U.S., asking them what they wanted and needed in a wound dressing.

    "We developed this dressing to solve the problems they were having. One of the clinicians told me, 'When you see too many products on the market, that means none of them works,'" said Mahmoudi, a Spartan driven to make things that work.
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    Clinically relevant experimental rodent models of diabetic foot ulcer
    Vikrant Rai et al
    Mol Cell Biochem. 2022 Jan 28
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    Evolving spectrum of diabetic wound: Mechanistic insights and therapeutic targets
    Raja Chakraborty et al
    World J Diabetes. 2022 Sep 15;13(9):696-716
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    Fibronectin in hyperglycaemia and its potential use in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers: A review
    Jiri Kanta, Anna Zavadakova, Eva Sticova, Michal Dubsky
    First published: 19 December 2022 https://doi.org/10.1111/iwj.13997
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    The importance of inflammation control for the treatment of chronic diabetic wounds
    Anna L. Worsley, Dennis H. Lui, Winnie Ntow-Boahene, Wenhui Song, Liam Good, Janice Tsui
    23 December 2022 https://doi.org/10.1111/iwj.14048
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    Emerging Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Fiber-Based Scaffolding Systems for Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers
    Helena P Felgueiras
    Pharmaceutics. 2023 Jan 11;15(1):258
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    Thou shall not heal: Overcoming the non-healing behaviour of diabetic foot ulcers by engineering the inflammatory microenvironment
    Michael G Monaghan et al
    Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2023 Oct 24
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    A Lower IL-34 Expression Is Associated With Non-Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers
    Aitian Zheng et al
    Comb Chem High Throughput Screen. 2023 Oct 8
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    Identification of potential immunologic resilience in the healing process of diabetic foot ulcers
    Yifeng Cheng et al
    Int Wound J. 2023 Nov 5.
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    Mechanism of damage of HIF-1 signaling in chronic diabetic foot ulcers and its related therapeutic perspectives
    Dong Zhu, Wuhan Wei, Jingyu Zhang, Bingkun Zhao, Qiang Li, Peisheng Jin
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    Revolutionizing Diabetic Foot Ulcer Care: The Senotherapeutic Approach
    Guiqin Zhang et al
    Aging Dis. 2024 Apr 22
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    Development of a cellular assay as a personalized model for testing chronic wound therapeutics
    Petra Doerfler et al
    J Invest Dermatol. 2024 Jul 1:S0022-202X(24)01866-9

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