< Predislocation syndrome Podiatric treatment | Greetings >
  1. loislane1987 Welcome New Poster

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    Hi everyone,

    my name is Lois, ive just started my 1st year studying Podiatry at Salford University. Im looking forward to the degree, im well aware its going to be tough, but because im passionate about it im sure ill get there in the end! Anyone with any helpful tips would be greatly received. Thanks guys :)
  2. funguslaser Welcome New Poster

    Hello fellow podiatrists!
  3. LeonW Active Member

    Because you want to pass the course i would suggest the following guidance :)
    1. Find out what if required of you to pass each unit.
    2. After each lecture find out what from the lecture is on the exam.
    3.If you dont understand any material at any time then make an appointment with the lecturer for them to explain it to u.
    4.Pass the requirements and stay in touch with the lecturers to be aware what u need to do to pass.
  4. DJMalone Member

    The sooner you learn your anatomy, the easier it is..
    Simply just lock your self in the library for a day and just draw and label.
    It'll help you so much, Pod theory is relatively easy but if you can learn what muscle does what and what the surrounding structures are such as; Bones, Muscles, Nerves, Ligaments, Capsules and the list goes on.

    Simple links:



    Pretty much all your older patients will present with some of that..
    Be good to read up on it so you can see why things manifest in the legs

    Any questions.. message me.


    --Merry Christmas--
< Predislocation syndrome Podiatric treatment | Greetings >

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