< Brighton Vs Salford | First year podiatric teaching of corn, callous cutting and nail care >
  1. sarahfeet Member

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    Hi peeps,

    I have got some NHS shadowing experience that starts next week. I can observe 3 clinics if I would like. How should I get the most out of the day? does nyone have any tips.

    Many thanks
  2. twirly Well-Known Member

    Hi Sarah & :welcome: to Podiatry Arena,

    My tip: Use your eyes, ears & your nose.

    Mostly I advise you use your mouth. Ask questions.

    Lots of questions. ;)

    Ask why, what, when & how from clinicians & patients.

    Enjoy the experience. We have all been there once. Now is your time.

    Kind regards,

  3. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    Hi Sarah,

    I'm guessing you're a student.

    What is the shadowing for?
    General NHS clinic experience?
    Specific clinical (eg Diabetes clinic) experience?
  4. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hi Sarahfeet,
    I can't add much to the excellent advice that has already been given except to take a note pad and pen. Then, if you aren't sure about something you can make a note of it and ask or look it up later.

    Good luck

  5. George Brandy Active Member

    Listen to and engage with the patient. They are a brilliant source of information.

    If the Podiatrist you are shadowing doesn't engage, ask why not.....but not in front of the patient of course ;)

  6. sarahfeet Member

    Thanks for the advice!
    davidh:- I believe that the clinic is a general NHS one. So I am not sure what I will observe, very excited though. I am not a podiatry student as yet, I have applied to Uni, just waiting for the outcome.x
  7. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    General observation is a good idea. Well done for organising this before you start Uni.


  8. George Brandy Active Member


    Shadowing is a pre-requiste of interview for Podiatry degree courses.

    "You will be interviewed and invited to spend half a day with us. In addition to academic qualifications you will be expected to demonstrate commitment and motivation. You will be expected to have shadowed a podiatrist or have some podiatric experience prior to interview."

    Course finder
    BSc (Hons) Podiatry
    Faculty of Health & Social Care

    School of Health, Sport & Rehabilitation Sciences, Salford University

  9. Sally Smillie Active Member

    as a pre-student, I would advise simply observing, take a note-book and jot down any questions you have for the pod, to ask in between patients. Your podiatrist will give you more guidance as to what is appropriate to say.

    Don't do any general clinics (ie nail/skin stuff), but do specialist clinics so that you can get a perspective of some of the scope of practice for podiatrists. If you have only 3 clinics don't waste your time watching someone cut nails! If you know in advance what specialist clinics you have, take the time to do a little pre-reading, you will get so much more out of the experience.

    All the best, it can be a wonderful profession and career, but it is only what you make it. Some pods work in the higher spheres, some at the bottom, so take your experience with that knowledge.

    Good luck,
< Brighton Vs Salford | First year podiatric teaching of corn, callous cutting and nail care >

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