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    The BBC are reporting:
    NHS staff asked to work for free
  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. I work in Maidstone, covered by that trust (although i work for the PCT not the trust. Same area, different batch of managers). In the last six years the PCT has:-

    Built a ramp for wheelchairs... at a clinic that was due to be demolished later that year.

    Moved the patient transport office 7 miles and brought them all new furniture rather than transport what they had before.

    The PCT has changed from Mid kent trust to Maidtone and Tunbridge wells PCT to Maidstone and Malling PCT to Maidstone Weald PCT to West Kent PCT and is the procession of undergoing fission again. The proposal for the new area? Maidstone and Tunbridge wells (again). Each change involves a shakeup of management structure, disruption for staff, all new stationary and boundry shifting at heaven knows what cost. Apparently THIS TIME the change is actually going to improve things. and we're sure they won't feel the need to do it again for weeks

    Sent letters erroneusly to reception staff stating that they are vunerable to being made redundant.

    Previously sent questionaires to the same staff to investigate the level of morale.

    Frozen spending on all stock. This included paperclips.

    Sent people around all the clinics to ensure we were wearing our badges.

    Frozen the training budget for staff, in the same year as our obligation to prove we have undegone training in order to maintain our registration.

    Ran out of toilet paper for the clinic and told us "don't worry, it's on order"

    Sent us a certificate for "keeping the show on the road" to show their appreciation of our hard work. It was on scatchy and non absorbant paper. Damn.

    It would be funny if it wasn't so bloody tragic! Asking us to work for free was the next logical step. They'll be charging us to come to work next! Oh wait they've already done that. You have to pay to park at some clinics.

  4. ggm2011 Member

    Think your self lucky Robert for the freeze our NHS Podiatry department has zero training budget now from £30 last year. :bang:
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