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Podiatrist - Australia Relocation

Discussion in 'Employment in Ireland' started by Donna Wright, May 15, 2023.

  1. Donna Wright

    Donna Wright Welcome New Poster

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    Your Opportunity: RELOCATE TO AUSTRALIA

    We need you! Full time, part time and casual opportunities available.
    Relocation assistance / Sponsorship available

    Currently we have vacancies in Brisbane, Queensland and Perth, Western Australia and Adelaide, South Australia

    As a qualified Podiatrist you will be joining a large and collaborative multidisciplinary team providing personalised treatments, assessments, and client focused interventions.
    Working as a Podiatrist you’ll be joining our team focused on working with, and supporting, a range of clients in our aged care facilities and communities to provide comprehensive podiatry assessments and treatments. You’ll be focused on developing and maintaining strong relationships with regular clients, their families, our staff and other healthcare professionals providing comprehensive assessments and diagnosis of conditions, creating and reviewing treatment plans, and applying best practice disease and wound care management.

    Toenhancesupportto ourcustomers, you willpossess:
    • A Bachelor’s or Masters Degree in Podiatrist
    We strongly encourage an application from a new graduate to an experienced podiatrist so we can tailor the opportunity to YOUR experience.

    When joining our Plena Healthcare Community, you will also unlock a multitude of Plena Perks.
    • Work life balance, flexible working hours
    • Industry leading Professional Development program equivalent to $500 annually, comprising of a Professional Development allowance that you can choose how you spend, monthly profession specific training events, quarterly interdisciplinary training events, industry webinar updated, journal clubs and lunch and learn sessions.
    • 1:1 Mentoring Program, participate as a supervisee or a supervisor
    • Salary Sacrificing options such as novated car leasing
    • Plena Health Kick, $150 allowance towards a healthier you (enjoy gym memberships, sneakers, massages and more on us!)
    • Treasure Chest: Spoil your clients and we will pick up the bill for you
    • $1000 Refer a friend bonus – Sharing is caring!
    Plena Healthcare is a national allied health provider to the Aged Care, Community and Disability industry, with over 20 years’ experience. Our physiotherapists, occupational therapists, podiatrists, speech pathologists and dietitians are passionate about the care they provide to the clients who are at the centre of everything we do.
    Every day, we work together united by a common purpose; to provide quality care so people can live healthier, happier and more independent lives. With mobile therapists based around Australia, Plena Healthcare therapists provide a pivotal difference to aged care facilities and the community with an outlook focused on collaboration, motivation, passion and inspiration.

    Attached Files:


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