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    Mark ran a thread in jest called "prat of the year".

    Got me to thinking who of the pod arena infamous posters would win this award. And indeed any others. Kevin already holds "most valuable poster." But what other awards Should be given and by Whom?

    Most improved poster?

    Most illiterate poster?

    Poster most likely to be clubbed to death by an angry mob?

    Poster you would most like to be stranded on a desert island with?

    Best newcomer?

    Etc, etc.

    Any ideas?
  2. On a positive note -

    Thread of the year for me - Leg stiffness

    Thread I enjoyed the most this year - Your 5 fav Rock Songs

    I might be biased though.

    Lies, dam lines and statistics - ( the most addicted ) Congrates to Simon Spooner Statistics page but if you look at most of the top 30 nearly everyone has posted more .
  3. blinda MVP

    Mr Weber :drinks
  4. That is So last year!!! More like whos IPod would I like to nick?! On which note on the last look I see I now have 9 months 4 days and 13hours 24 mins of continuous music on mine....
  5. blinda MVP

    Ok, Ok I`m an old fashioned gal, being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I actually typed `record collection` in my original post :eek:
  6. Ive got one vinyl that I recon Bel would like much much more than anything original pressing of Dark side of the moon - shopped in Italy for about $ 3 AUD

    But my fav old school vinyl take still gets a spin -Blue Monday - New order Nothing beats vinyl for sound.
  7. blinda MVP

  8. Despite previous comments, I also have a large vinyl collection and actually prefer the sound over digital. Even play guitar through an Echorec - that really dates me!
  9. blinda MVP

    You can`t argue with that. Does it include The great Shirehorses?


    Deejay stylee
    Bel ;)
  10. For me.

    The Good Mr Weber, without a doubt. Only joined in April 2009, now a Moderator and contributor to the top of the line threads. Although Robin P has also made very noticable progress and deserves a mention.

    Tough choice between the two top spots, Both Simon and Kevin put a LOT of work into the rest of us. Kevin tends to give answers where Simon tends to ask questions and make you go find the answers, a difference in style certainly. For me, Simon. But only by a gnats.

    So many to choose from. For me this years top 2 have been Dennis and Ed. Both of whom have contributed to my education my making me question why I believe what I believe (and indeed why I DON'T Believe what I DON'T believe). I'd say for me, Ed is the winner here.

    While it was tempting to consider Dennis for this one, the core concept of FFT is not entirely ridiculous. Theta orthotics another brave contender, but it it is possible to conceive of a situation in which they COULD work. So for me this one goes to Dr edward Butterworth For his magic stimulatin' foot flickin' crushed poron usin' proprioceptive devices. Spurious with pictures.

    Obviously you can't argue humour. There are some substantial wits on this forum (to go with the halfwits). Simon, RobinP and of course our own Mark Russell regularly have me sniggering out loud. But For me this one goes to Ian Griffiths who's posts I no longer read with my mouth full. "how does he sleep at night? On top of an effin great pile of cash I suspect". Classic.
  11. Peter Well-Known Member

    I own a pre-Kraftwerk rare LP (Tonefloat)

    any offers over £300 considered
  12. This is the bad boy I want for christmas: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/U2-Three-Numb...t=UK_Records&hash=item5196a38279#ht_806wt_944

    I got a copy already, but it's not one of the 1000 numbered copies.

    If Santa's listening I'd settle for a copy of "wide awake in Europe" which was released in the US only a few weeks ago, limited to 5000 copies (can't believe I didn't get one on the day- they were sold for about a £10 each, you're now looking at about £60- nice investment) I'm actually on one of the tracks that was recorded in Paris in the summer.;)
  13. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    Simon l dont like your chances of getting anything from Santa at all.

    l am still waiting for my DB9 in English racing green, although this may have something to do with it...........

    Attached Files:

  14. Most improved poster? - At what? Learning to spell? Figuring out where the apostrophies go? Knowledge of mechanics? Knowledge of the foot in general? Sense of humour? Flatulence? Come on Robert - be specific!

    Most illiterate poster? Wouldn't like to say in this reply (but I did correct several grammatical errors in your original post in the quotation above). ;)

    Poster most likely to be clubbed to death by an angry mob? Mhmm. I have fantasies like that from time to time, too. It usually ends in a dream being chased by a huge angry mob.......

    Poster you would most like to be stranded on a desert island with? Anyone who's got a huge amount of energy and a colossal passion for amateur boat building. Big tits would be a bonus and a nice smile and wicked sense of humour might make the days pass quicker - and a foot fetish might also help.

    Best newcomer Me, if the previous answer was ever to be realised.

  15. OK, I've been busted. As long as I don't get anything to do with the X factor or Simon Cowell for being such a naughty boy, I won't care too much.:bang:
  16. Here are my thoughts on the subject of who deserves mention for making Podiatry Arena the valuable and entertaining resource it is.

    Most Valuable: Of course that would have to be Craig Payne for his tireless behind-the-scenes work in creating, managing and keeping Podiatry Arena the best resource on the internet on podiatric topics.

    Most Improved: Since I have been a contributor for many years, I have seen substantial growth in knowledge in many individuals. Robert Isaacs and Michael Weber have certainly come a long way in their time here, are now very valuable contributors and I expect even further growth from them over the years. Ian Griffiths has shown great growth and his blog is excellent. David Smith, even though not contributing as often as before, has shown great improvement in his ability to explain difficult biomechancal topics here on Podiatry Arena.

    Funniest Contributor: That would have to be a tie between Simon Spooner, David Wedemeyer and Mark Russell. I have had many of my best laughs of the year reading their posts here on Podiatry Arena.

    Best Thread of the Year: Does the tibia drive the foot or does the foot drive the tibia?

    Best Biomechanics Minds: I always enjoy reading the comments and discussions from Eric Fuller and Simon Spooner here on Podiatry Arena and on the old Podiatry Mailbase. I have known Eric now for over 25 years and Simon for over 10 years and have learned a great deal from each of them in my many private and public communications with them. I consider myself very fortunate to have such good friends and highly intelligent colleagues as Eric and Simon to discuss difficult biomechanics concepts with and share ideas with. The continual support that Eric and Simon provide me, and the podiatric profession, in improving the scientific nature of podiatric biomechanics often makes me stop to reflect just about how lucky we are to have these two individuals to learn from on a daily basis.

    Here's to all the others I haven't mentioned that make Podiatry Arena a great place to lounge, learn and laugh. :drinks:drinks:drinks
  17. I know you westcoasteners have some strange predilictions, Kevin, but can I just say that there is no way that I'm going "head-to-head" with Simon and David in any "toss-up", especially in this weather. Twenty-years ago, perhaps, but as I have grown a fondness for marathons over the 100m sprint in recent times I fear that I may have developed an unforseen disadvantage.

    Not that I would discourgare Simon and David in engaging in whatever dialogue they may so desire.


    Mark :drinks
  18. Hear Hear! Second that nomination!
  19. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    mental pictures, not good
  20. David Wedemeyer Well-Known Member

    I've come across another difficult thread about "stiffness"....?:bash:
  21. Another epically bad choice of words! It's not THAT exciting!! ;)

    Too far?
  22. Ah, well that's whole different issue and not always a problem as some might think. It's really all about getting in the right ZOOS - Zone of Orgasmic Success. On reflection I think my inhibition to go "head to head" with Simon and your good self is not age related after all; it's just being a single-handed podiatrist for many years, one comes to prefer solitary practice after a while. Group things are not my scene, David - sorry. :dizzy:
  23. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Is there a "Flaccid but full of good intentions" class in the para-podiatry games?
  24. There is, but the clear favourite in that category is ED - by a huge margin.....;)
  25. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Oh god. This thread just gets better and better
  26. RobinP Well-Known Member

    I got the bottom of this thread (laughing my ar$e off) and went to reply .Then I realised that I had no idea how this thread started. It sort of reminds me of the barefoot running thread!

    That should be another award

    The Bermuda Triangle Thread

    This is the award for the thread that one literally loses days over. For example, I have started reading threads in the past and emerged 2 days later, unwashed and with bad breath, with not the faintest idea about what the thread actually started as and no idea about how much time I had devoted to it.

    It's the podiatry arena version of "Pornmaggeddon"

  27. That can be a problem. I was recently invitied to a dinner party with several friends and arrived late after someone sped the clock up - as it tends to happen when you sit down in front of PA - and was greeted by mine host with "Ah Mark - you always manage to come last" - only to be countered very quietly by one of the ladies who mouthed "That would make a change".

    One has to wonder, on these ocassions, whether the fairer sex has an agenda that is not always congruent to their male counterparts.
  28. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    Pornmaggeddon - classic!
  29. Isn't that a little village just outside of Yeovil? Or, was that where they filmed "the prisoner"- not Yeovil, Pornmaggedon?
  30. RobinP Well-Known Member

    That's right. In fact, I've been digging out my Pornmaggeddon china in preparation for Christmas dinner next week. Nan will be impressed.

    Are you taking the pi$$ though Simon. There's not really a place called Yeovil is there?;)
  31. RobinP Well-Known Member


    Pay this lady no heed. There are situations when such an afflication is considered a talent. Partakers in games such as "Daisy Chain" and "Soggy Biscuit" will know that being last is no accolade

  32. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Soggy biscuit, I had to google that one and i really regret having done so. I went to a government school, nearly 1/2 a century ago, and us 'boys' didn't play that game...... at least I wasn't invited...
  33. I assume you'll be serving up your grandmother a healthy portion of cock-tales too, just to start the celebrations off with a bang?

    (is it just me, or has this thread turned into a carry-on film, matron?)
  34. twirly Well-Known Member

    Ewwwwwwwwwwww! I followed Mark & Googled :dizzy:

    Boys are soooooooo mucky.

    However, being the helpful little soul that I am I have improved you boys chances of avoiding the limpness associate with 'your' game of choice.


    Enjoy your day :rolleyes:
  35. Yeah, but they drink half of your "brew".

    On second thoughts, I suppose finding something to drink half your "brew" is a good start and better than I usually get.

    Too much now?
  36. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  37. Yes - deficately... there's a whole new world out there that I never knew existed and almost wish that was still the case. How can I go to the local bakers and ask for a cream pie without spluttering over the counter, I have no idea....
  38. I just hope that someone who has never visited Podiatry Arena doesn't judge the podiatry profession by the postings being generated over the past few days here in this thread. In my opinion, this type of "locker room banter" has no place on a medical professional forum. Please!
  39. I agree, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. There is just no need for smutty innuendo here:

    For those outside the UK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_humour

    This isn't what i was looking for but it'll do:

    I was looking for the not the nine o'clock news sketch where they discuss smut in the media, with lines such as "wang, wang, wang... " "oh huge melons" etc.

    yet, while you're in:
  40. blinda MVP

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