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    It is now coming to the end of the year and it is, of course, also time to list and vote for the best quotes on Podiatry Arena for 2012.

    I would like to make a few nominations for Podiatry Arena's 2012 Quote of the Year.

    First, from David Wedemeyer, from the thread:

    What is Neoteric Biomechanics?

    From the same thread, our own Simon Spooner also had a great one about Neoteric Biomechanics:

    And of course, let's not forget this great quote by Mark Russell discussing "Brian Rothbart's International Academy of Proprioceptive Therapy":

    Can Abnormal Pronation Change the Occlusion?

    Any other favorites? Thanks to all of you who make me laugh out loud throughout the year!:drinks
  2. David Wedemeyer Well-Known Member

    Is it that time of year again already? I have a selection of favorites, there was some heavy competition but limited it to these this year:

    fishpod for this gem on the thread Can Abnormal Pronation Change the Occlusion:

    Kevin for discussing the love mail he receives from adoring barefoot fans on the thread Private E-Mails from Barefoot Runners:

    Mark Cucuzella, avid barefooter and minimalist store owner for an explanation of his hierarchy of care on the thread Plantar Fasciitis and the anti-orthosis, Minimalist Shoe Message:

    And from the same thread Robert, a classic:

  3. I also liked Robert's quote very much:

  4. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    That is a classic "conclusion" Robert. I haven't read the above thread in question... but the above comment gave me a good laugh (each time I read it) :D:D:D... very witty!
  5. Dr. Steven King Well-Known Member


    Here is my favorite, it would have been even more impressive if Simon did the countdown from 10.

    "5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. Dr Steven King telling us how great his orthotics are..."

    Thanks for the fun year guys.
    A hui hou,

    Kingetics- Counting Down Disabilities...TM
  6. I Nominate Kevin for
  7. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Short but succinct

    "...your foot typing system is a dog..."

    by Dr Spooner.

    Never really a big fan of picking on someone but in the context of this thread, it was well deserved
  8. blinda MVP

    Never really been a fan of acronyms, but this one gets my vote.

    Nice one, Smelly :drinks
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