< Studying Podiatry IN Australia HELP? | Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camps (Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne) - 2009 >
  1. Foot-Fetish Welcome New Poster

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    I'm currently study at La Trobe University; I am enrolled in First Year Biological Sciences, and wish to transfer to Podiatry, I was wondering if there was anyone who could give me a friendly point in the right direction; what steps I should take and who can I see, are any of these course subjects relevant?

    For the past four years I have been working part time in a shoe shop, tending to a range of clients and their footwear needs. I have complete hands on experience, and understand how 'hands-on' I have to be if I am to further peruse a career in Podiatry.

    Regards, Foot-Fetish
  2. I would guess the Podiatry Dept. they will be able to give all the most up to date information and advice.

    Ps :welcome: To podiatry Arena and hope the transfer works out for you.
  3. Alternative Welcome New Poster

    As a past Podiatry student at La Trobe (Bundoora) I found any enrolment decisions could be discussed with the Health Sciences Student Services Officer, currently I still believe this to be Noreen Dyer. Phone (03) 9479 5738

    Hope this helps!
< Studying Podiatry IN Australia HELP? | Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camps (Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne) - 2009 >

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