< FootCorner - Associate Podiatrist Position in Ashford, Middlesex | Self-employed Podiatrist Required SW London >
  1. ABrown76 Member

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    I am looking for self employed Podiatrist with a hope to having there own podiatry practice in the future.

    My clinic has just been renovated and is situated in Haddington, East Lothian approx 20 miles outside of Edinburgh. I have been working part time 3 and half days a week but demand is increasing so possibility of increased opening hours.

    Due to family commitments I am struggling to put the required hours into the business. My annual turnover is around £50k-52k for part time hours.

    As I have been building this business for 12 years a business adviser has suggested a partnership with difference so that the Podiatrist coming in to the practice can effectively buy a new business without investing any money up front. A set percentage would be paid from the Net profit (after expenses) but before salaries eg if you wanted to own the business in 5 years, 20% of the agreed price would be paid each year from the net profit. I would also he happy to sell the business outright if that was preferred.

    If you are looking for a new challenge in 2018 and would like to discuss the opportunity in more detail please email at giggles_scotland1@hotmail.com
< FootCorner - Associate Podiatrist Position in Ashford, Middlesex | Self-employed Podiatrist Required SW London >

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