< ive tried everything | foot pain >
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    I had a big foot surgery to repair a bunion on my right foot. The doctor actually had to shorten the first metatarsal and fuse it with the bone...

  2. Sabina Welcome New Poster

    I have to say that I agree with FootDoc first and foremost. Call your surgeon!
    I am wondering what medication he has you on as well. There is a small percentage of people that simply do not respond to certain narcotic pain meds. Talk to your Dr. about taking a NSAID like Ibuprofen; a lot of times an NSAID will help with surgical pain where a narcotic won't. Is there quite a bit of swelling? Have you been active since surgery or have you been sticking to the non weight bearing status?
    You didn't mention a post op appointment and what was said and or done. Being post op 7 days, I am assuming you have had a post op appointment. Am I correct? If you have not had one yet, please call and get one right away.
    Best of Luck
< ive tried everything | foot pain >

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