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Podiatry Arena Anthem

Discussion in 'Podiatry Trivia' started by Mart, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. Mart

    Mart Well-Known Member

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    Inspired by Kevin Kirby's notion of creating a live band from those of us who are also musicians I started rooting around the dusty music collection in my basement for suitable material.

    Here's a suggestion for a possible podarena anthem.

    Just click on the record label icon to download mp3. It makes a great song to sing in the shower, or to put your patients at ease whilst administering a nerve block........ give it a try, but make sure that you practice the accent before trying a public perfomance.


    Anyone else got any suggestions?



    The St. James Foot Clinic
    1749 Portage Ave.
    R3J 0E6
    phone [204] 837 FOOT (3668)
    fax [204] 774 9918
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2009
  2. Mart

    Mart Well-Known Member

    Re: Podarena Anthem

    Since this is supposedly an academic forum I thought I’d better add a bit of information to justify suggesting that we adopt it as our anthem.

    Although Breslaw clearly could not sing, it doesn’t t detract from the obvious depth he showed, not only for how well the human foot has evolved to facilitate bipedal stance and motion but also how well adapted it is to various diverse functions.

    He cites several examples such as stopping the ends of your legs from fraying, keeping your socks on, as a way of expressing emotion, and the manifestation of the effects of the fright and flight response.

    For those unfamiliar with his geographic reference to S****horpe; it is a town appearing in the Domesday Book (1086) as Escumetorp, which is Old Norse for "Skuma's homestead", a site which is believed to be in the town centre close to where the present-day Market Hill is located. It was close to the epicentre of one of the largest earthquakes experienced in the British Isles on 27 February 2008. It was made up of 5 small villages. These were S****horpe, Frodingham, Crosby, Brumby and Ashby. They later joined up to make S****horpe as we know today. The town was home to the late Sir Thomas Winklepicker, who as you probably remember won the Prise de fer for inventing the shoe which doubles as a tool for eating seafood. This reference is a subtle nod to one of Britains great footwear engineers.

    The Hoochie coo was a sexually provocative dance that became wildly popular during and after the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 . Since the dance was performed by women, a ‘hoochie coochie man’ either watched them or ran the show. Alternatively, from the directly sexual meaning of hoochie coochie, he was successful with women. The foot as a object of sexual interest is well documented by others but Breslaw again makes a suble sideways look at this issue which is easily missed.

    Fink is cockney pronunciation for “think” e.g. I fink so I is . . . . .. . innit.

    Like much of the philosophy inherent in that great period of British movie making genre of “Carry on” Films from the 1950s, Breslaw’s song shows us that that a person’s judgment is the determining factor for what is to be believed rather than by religious or secular world values.



    The St. James Foot Clinic
    1749 Portage Ave.
    R3J 0E6
    Phone [204] 837 FOOT (3668)
    Fax [204] 774 9918
  3. Re: Podarena Anthem


    Even though your suggestion is cute, I think something with a little more rock n' roll backbone would be better. I'm thinking using the music from one of the classics from the Beatles, Doors, Led Zeppelin, Alice Cooper, Beach Boys, The Who, etc to see if we can come up with something a little more catchy. Maybe we could have someone pen some lyrics to the tune of one of these classic rock groups' songs and see how it sounded?
  4. Mart

    Mart Well-Known Member

    Re: Podarena Anthem

    Cute??????? :eek:

    I can’t believe you wrote that.

    This song is not a cute . . . . C U T E ???????? :craig:

    It is a work of genius, it was years ahead of its time, it is up there with Bob Dylan, Bertold Brecht, Billy Bragg, Joni Mitchell, Joe Strummer dare I say it Johnny Rotten.

    Please listen to it again. I guarantee if you listen to it 5 times you will be humming it for the next week.

    It starts out as a love song, the loser getting their foot stood on by a beautiful girl then disregarding class barriers subtly morphs into the uplifting and existential

    “Feet are not to be sniffed at
    So wever yor rich or wever yor poor
    Put you best foot forward
    Keep yer feet on the ground
    Look the whole world in the feet and say
    You need feet to walk to S****horpe
    etc ”

    Absolute genius

    Talking Heads eat your heart out

    Kevin you have shocked me horribly :mad:


    I may never recover from this :sinking:

    And who moved this into the trivia category .. . . .. this is not trivial guys come on please :cool:

    Bewildered :confused:


    The St. James Foot Clinic
    1749 Portage Ave.
    R3J 0E6
    Phone [204] 837 FOOT (3668)
    Fax [204] 774 9918
  5. Re: Podarena Anthem


    Sorry to have offended with my "cute" remark. However, I have always found that music appreciation, like humor, is a very personal thing.

    Just to give you a little history of my early music experience, I grew up singing in school choirs, church choir, did a short stint in a high school barbershop quartet, and then finally ended up at the end of high school singing in a greaser band that my friends and I created called "Crankshaft and the V-8s". We had gigs at about 5-6 few high school dances, church festivals, at a couple of young adult parties of 200-300 people, and that was about it for us, before we all went our separate ways into college or work.

    Therefore, unless a song is rock n' roll, and 50's, 60's and 70's rock n' roll specifically, it probably won't register high on my "must-listen-to-list". But there are exceptions in that I love gospel music and classical Christmas music also. However, please don't take it personally, since I'm sure that others will like your song more than I do. For your sake, I will be sure to listen to the song again to see if it impresses me more the second time around.:drinks
  6. Paul Bowles

    Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    Kevin my new nickname for you shall be CRANKSHAFT.

    I love it Kevin "crankshaft" Kirby.....

    ...and so it was done!
  7. Mart

    Mart Well-Known Member

    Paul . . . . . . a man after my own heart

    I just went down to my basement to root through old Crankshaft Archives and guess what I found........

    crankshaft kirby.png



    The St. James Foot Clinic
    1749 Portage Ave.
    R3J 0E6
    phone [204] 837 FOOT (3668)
    fax [204] 774 9918

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