< Effects of a foot bath containing green tea polyphenols on interdigital tinea pedis | F-scan vs. Pedar >
  1. Blaine M Member

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    I am a advance foot care nurse in a family health team in Canada. I do most of the foot care that is required in the practice. I am trying to get the team to purchase me a proper procedure chair. I have to give them a paper that justifies the cost of the chair. The board doesn't really think that a procedure chair is required. They do not see the patients that have trouble raising their leg onto the low foot stool they have provide for me. I am unable to do proper foot examinations either. The chair I use also doesn't raise high enough either. I have to crouch over feet all day, which at times causes back pain. I would appreciated any documentation that anyone has on the need for a proper procedure chair that I can use to present to the board.

    Blaine Montroy
  2. Cameron Well-Known Member


    The issue is two fold: occupational related injury and inability to safely and competently examine the foot.

    Back ache is pretty well acknowledged as an indemic occupational hazard among foot health professionals. In terms of employers' duty of care to protect their employees from injury and prepare them for what is likely to arise as a result of back damage is a legal requirement and would necessitate they take your request seriously. I am sure there is chapter and verse available to support this and suggest you search health and safey back injuries.

    Until comparatively recently hydraulic chairs which safely accommodate the patient whilst at the same time allow the practitoner to examine and operate on the back of the heels have been few and far between. The Europeans have changed this situation by introducing a new set of designs which facilitate this. These products are freely available in Europe but not always the designs preferred and sold by established podiatry suppliers outside the continent. I would suggest it is worth exloring the range of ergonomically designed clinical furniture.

    What say you ?
  3. W J Liggins Well-Known Member


    You have my sympathy. Without wishing in any way to attack you, because I know the situation in Canada is different from Europe, Australasia and the States, the profession of Podiatry has been through all this before. The problem is that health care managers will always go for the cheaper option and then take advantage of those practitioners who do not have the 'clout' to quote Health and Safety and other regulations back at them. I can only suggest to you that you put in writing that Podiatrists would never accept the working conditions that have been imposed on you and research the relevant regulations relating to your state. Try online editions of the British, Australian and American Podiatric journals. At the very least you will find summaries of articles relating to your problem. I am sure that your own nursing professional body will be able to help in addition.

    Good luck

    W J Liggins
  4. carolethecatlover Active Member

    Reflexologists use 'LaFuma' chairs, portable,weigh about 3 kilos, strong, French made, (thus likely to be found in Canada. ) also known as zero gravity chairs. They are great, comfortable for patients and operator. I have 2, I found them in a 2nd hand shop and only paid $9.oo each!!!! But they cost appx $300.oo new. I really recommend them.
  5. Footoomsh Active Member

    Hi all,

    I was just wanting some feedback from people who have tried the Nova brand chairs from Algeos. Wondering how fast they are, reliable, etc. and general funcitonality.
< Effects of a foot bath containing green tea polyphenols on interdigital tinea pedis | F-scan vs. Pedar >

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