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  1. Donna Active Member

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    Hi Everyone

    I have just recently looked at the Online Education segment of A Pod C on "Risk Management" and am now putting together a Procedures Manual for the practice that I have just joined which has 2 podiatrists (my boss and myself - Hi Mark! ;) ).

    Does anyone know of any basic framework that I could use when putting together a procedures manual, and the general requirements? I am thinking that I need sections on Infection Control, New Patients, Existing Patients, Diabetic Assessments, Biomechanical Assessments, Abbreviations/Glossary etc. :confused: Can anyone else help with ideas as I have not done this before! Thanks! :eek:
  2. Tuckersm Well-Known Member


    The A.Pod.C. produced the Australian Podaitry Manual some years ago, and update it from time to time. It does not appear to be available on line, but you should be able to order a copy from them. This includes a number of policies and minimum standards for the practice of podiatry.

    The main role of a procedure manual is to provide information on how your service runs so the a new person could raed the manual and know pretty much how things work.

    It can include information on suppliers, how stock is ordered, billing information, as well as the more clinical stuff. It should include minimum standards on documentation etc.

    If you email me I will send you our dept manual which while it is in need of a bit of a review will give you a basis
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