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    Good morning, Podiatry Arena lurkers! We now have the respected and formidable Robert Isaacs doing battle with two US podiatrists simultaneously here on Podiatry Arena. Robert is going up against Dennis Shavelson (DrSha) in the EBM and Sackett's Empiricism thread and is also, with his other hand, taking on Ed Glaser in the MASS Discussion thread. Next opponent for the bruiser Isaacs will be Brian Rothbart who, it is rumored, will come out of retirement to see if he can be the one to finally wear our man Robert down.

    Stay tuned!!:boxing::wacko:
  2. :D

    Danny "the dog" from the film, unleashed (if you've seen the film you'll understand).

    Is it just me or does the guy on the far left remind anyone else of Simon?

    What can I say? everyone needs an outlet.
  3. Phil Wells Active Member


    With your 'pugilistic' reputation, I can't help wondering whether the chiropodists at the Nottingham conference you are lecturing at know what they are letting themselves in for!!
    I know a couple of other people who will be there that might be a 'challenge' when it comes to discussing 'proper' biomechanics.

    Good luck (to everyone)!!

  4. Do I have one of them then? Nah. I'm a pussy cat me.

    This time around I'm not presenting on biomechanics. :eek: I'm doing my lecture on heuristics, Cognitive illusions and logic traps. That's the one they asked for, apparently someone had seen it before and suggested it to the organisers as an entertaining talk. There's a fair bit in there about biomechanics but the actual meat of the talk is more why we think what we think; about biomechanics or anything else.

    But if anyone wants to find me afterwards for a discussion about "proper" biomechanics I'll be happy to oblige ;). You going to be there Phil? We could organise an impromptu round table debate in the nearest pub at lunchtime.

  5. Phil Wells Active Member


    Shame they are not getting some proper mechanics as I know that some of them REALLY need it.
    I live locally so can talk with some authority on the competency of certain key figures who will be there.
    Might struggle to make the pub as I am taking my daughter to see the Gruffalo stage show - can't wait!!!!

  6. Maybe next year. ;) Sounds like fertile ground.

    Lucky Dog!

    Kids are great. Excuse to do all the best stuff. Weekends are so much better when you get to go to the zoo or the farm or play on the swings.
  7. MR NAKE Active Member

    ha ha ha ha phil, i know wat you talkin about, i feel you, and i am strongly compelled to put across the fact that, the problem is people dont want to graft and think outside the box.......sometimes common sense is not so common after all????ggggggrrrrrrrrhhhhhh
  8. Jeff Root Well-Known Member


    Did you get my private message? Please let me know by sending a reply to me at jroot@root-lab.com

  9. I surely did Jeff. Will email you. Thanks.
< Walk a mile in her shoes | Did you know that ... >

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