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Schizophrenia & foot fissures

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by One Foot In The Grave, May 8, 2006.

  1. One Foot In The Grave

    One Foot In The Grave Active Member

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    Is anyone aware of any established links between schizophrenia and foot fissures?

    I've noticed foot fissures in most of my patients with schizophrenia, and am wondering if it is related to the medication they take (frequently Clozapine and Effexor), or other associated factors.

    Have you noticed the same?
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    Could be:
    1. Autonomic effects of medication --> anhidrotic skin
    2. Neglect/lack of self care and/or inadequate access to health services
  3. martinharvey

    martinharvey Active Member

    Schizophrenia & fissures

    My former wife suffered from this disorder, a very misunderstood one, not the 'split personality' of popular literature. I think Craigs 'lack of self care' is closer the mark. This combines with some very hard to identify self harming rituals that SZ's have. A glimpse into the confused hell that such people live in is frightening.

  4. John Spina

    John Spina Active Member

    Another factor may be self mutilation here although Dr.Payne raised an excellent point regarding antipsychotropic medications and anhidrosis.
  5. Cummina

    Cummina Welcome New Poster

    I was a podiatrist in an old Victorian type mental health hospital for 4 years. I often wonder about the effects of lithium as I discovered that many patients on this medication had PN. I also found more heel callous and anhidrosis in this client group than any other and wonder about gait as well as lack of awareness.

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