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Shopped HPC.-Reg. Grandparent!

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by C Bain, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

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    Hi. Grandparented Chiropodists/Podiatrists,

    Today the 17th. September 2005 I received a letter from the HPC. dated the 10th.September.2005.

    It would appear upon reading the letter that someone possibly in my local area, known or unknown at present, who could not wait for the new directories to come out and be verified, has informed on me because I have had the audacity to advertise in my local Yellow Pages!

    Quoting from the HPC. letter, "It has come to our attention that you are listed in your local telephone directory and possibly online, under the title of either 'chiropodist' or podiatrist'.
    It is more than likely that you are registered with the Health Professional Council. In which case, please discard this letter."

    I fully understand and sympathize with the HPC's. position! They are like police-officers when someone informs or makes a complaint!

    It would appear and I strongly suspect that a conspiracy may well be a foot by persons unknown. It could even be a group of the old guard of S.R.Ch. hiding behind the confidentiality of the HPC.? GRANDPARENTS did in fact pursue the paper mountain of an application form and stress the form filling entailed and caused, with the afterwards thrown in?

    I could not imagine who would be so stupid as to report such as myself without first checking the Register?

    If this has happen to me many others could also be in the process of being pilloried? Please post on here so we may see the extent of the problem of accusations made to the HPC., (Not by the HPC. I must add!). Please indicate here if you have received this letter instigated by person or persons unknown?

    Of course it might just be that I have been made a target because of my three hundred plus postings here, but if necessary I am prepared to take you with me whoever you are! I am to far over the hill now not to care, what about you?

    So if any of us, the GRANDPARENTS have received this letter, post here so we can all see the extent of the problem, you might never know I might be the problem, and you've seen nothing yet! It may come to nothing but you always find that in a conspiracy lawful or otherwise there is always one or two who just can not keep their mouths shut! You know, the truth throughout!

    The Unity of the profession, you must be joking, I can imagine the PIGS FLYING AGAIN.

    You know I even forgot to accept my fee from my 96yr. old patient today? I got my hand firmly slapped over the phone and told not to do it again! You know even this is on a higher intellectual plain than what I have been on about above. It must be born out of an insidious hatred of the section of Grandparented Chiropodist/Podiatrists? You might be so lucky if I find you!!!



    PS. The first one would get myself arrested and thrown off the Forum. This one. Grow up, to the one who shopped me, leave the profession and get some real experience in the real world? No wonder the Private Sector is strong and I suspect getting stronger! Roll on Sir Nigel Crisp and his sensible ideas for who should be employed by whom and where!

    PPS. Now that I feel I have successfully vented my spleen I will go and read a fairy story to my Grand-daughter! Fairy story nothing to do with above I hope, must remember not to substitute Podiatrist for wicked witch or wizard!

    Now where did I put that Tin-hat and St. John's Wart bottle?
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2005
  2. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    A late PS. to the above! Isn't it typical Admin. you turn your back for thirty seconds, and somebody has lit the fuse on the UK. Forum again!!!


    Colin, (And I hope I'm not over the top here? Blew a gasket before starting just in case. Even tried to stay within police report language, then again! Ahh. lightheaded, now where is that blood-pressure gauge?).
  3. CAS

    CAS Member

    For goodness sake Colin stop being paranoid. I got two yesterday, threw them straight in the bin. It didn't occur to me that someone might have 'shopped' me. The public are encouraged to check the registration list so why didn't they check? Why waste our fees on paper (another tree), someone to put the letter in the envelope and postage? I think it was a little PR exercise after the Yellow Pages fiasco to those who are not HPC registered that if they intend to advertise using the protected title that big brother will be watching them!

    Go out and get some fresh air and CALM DOWN! :rolleyes:

  4. Ian Linane

    Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Have to agree with Caroline here colin.

    I got one and I suspect a lot of others did as well. If it is just a mail shot from the HPC then my concern would be the amount of money being wasted when they must clearly know I am on the register.

  5. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Colin

    Yes we are all there !!

    Another piece of bureaucratic incompetence.

    Really awe inspiring isn't it ? !!

    Perhaps we should base their wages on performance and then we could laugh when they go skint on having their time wasted by Muppet's !!

    I have emailed them to tell them so!!

    Perhaps we should all do the same after all it is OUR money that they are squandering ?


  6. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Sanity, no I prefer insanity, much more exciting!

    Hi Caroline and Ian,

    Very true Caroline. I've been out and breathed the fresh air, and coughed! Might still strangle somebody later though? I suppose we as second class citizens must expect this sort of thing! Paranoid never occurred for me to look at it in that light, besides I can never remember how to spell it!!!

    Surprised at you Ian thought you would have come out fighting?

    Never mind, All, I have always suffered from a distinct flaw in my character. I'm afraid I just cannot hold a grudge long enough to do something about it. But I'm trying hard this time?

    Return to sanity perhaps! No I prefer the insanity for a little long yet. May forgive and forget everybody tomorrow!


    Reassuring to know that I'm not alone though. You should see the letter the HPC. will be getting next week though!

  7. Angel

    Angel Member

    Maybe it would be more sensible of the HPC if they invested their money in making the general public more aware of their existence.

  8. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Hi Derek,

    Happy to take any flack coming just to see what actually is posted here. Caroline's right though, I had a re read of the original post and had to tone it down and clean it up! Embarrassing isn't it?



    PS. Was that you made my brand new computer wobble there? Just like old times! Haven't had steam coming out of the ears for such a long time, I think my blood pressure doubled?
  9. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Hi Angel,

    A little bit of commonsense brought to the argument! Always appreciated by the likes of me!


  10. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    A Level Playing Field set for later Prosecutions?

    Hi Everybody,

    A sudden thought has just occurred to me, now don't be like that! In the very dim and distant past the HPC. quiet reasonably and responsibly asked all those who would qualify to apply for Grandparenting to forward their names and addresses to them! Was it to give them a possible idea of the work load their Office might be faced with?

    I believe if my memory is not playing tricks they may be using that list to send out a mail drop on all those in that list whether or not they in the end applied for registration and got it? They could be using this in an effort to clean up the Yellow Pages etc. By creating and setting the playing field for prosecutions later if it goes unheeded! It could work well even if we the innocents are caught up in it?

    Now Caroline, hows that for a large chunk of paranoia. And I still cannot spell it, isn't ieSpell wonderful, (Even if the Americans still cannot spell, as weell as some of us!)?



    PS. Have you noticed that one on the Home Page standing behind is smiling again, his eyes are following me around now as well!
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2005
  11. Robin Crawley

    Robin Crawley Active Member


    When I got my letter from the HPC yesterday I was very pleased.
    It will serve to put those jokers who are still advertising as Chiropodists/Podiatrists but not HPC registered on notice that this will no longer be tolerated.

    After all, one only has to look in yell.com to see large numbers of 'Chiropodists/Podiatrists' who shouldn't be there, and with the immediate nature or the internet, it doesn't take long to remove them, if the motivation is there, as it now should be.


  12. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Robin

    Surly they could have reserved their two pages on good quality headed notepaper and postage to those that were NOT on their own register ??

    It is an obscene waste of time and money and can never be justified !!

    Bureaucracy gone mad :mad:


  13. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

    Cyber grandparents

    Welcome on board to the cut and thrust of corn cutting. And genuine sympathy for the thoughtlessness of the anonymous others who 'throw stones'. I am sure someone much better than me had something very important to say about that. (No disrespect intended.)

    In light of rationality it is crystal clear there would be a 'grey period' between July and up dating lists of registered podiatrists , hence HPC are rather pre-emptive (in my opinion) to react the way they have. Reassuring for all to know they have the mechanism for policing in place but it might have been more prudent to include a sentence in their letter which would have stated “had the individual been accepted onto the register but not yet appeared on an official listing, to then ignore the correspondence." However we are all more knowledgeable after the fact.

    However in the interests of all parties, general public included, it might have been reasonable to expect the professional associations and HPC together , to have mounted a public campaign to explain to the public (and fellow registrants) the mechanism that was now in place. Good PR and an excellent way to put podiatry in the headlines has been missed, I fear..

    Faults all round it would appear. My sympathies do lie however with the persons receiving the letter(s), through no fault of their own that day was ruined. Practice is hard enough without the interference of mindless bureaucracy.

    What say you?

  14. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Cameron

    I have emailed them today and said as much


  15. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Unqualified Postings?

    Hi. Robin,

    My problem here is that it, (The Letter), appears to me to be similar to someone in authority accusing me of having committed a Felony because I exist! No evidence exists to cause anyone to suspect me of an offence other than I exist, and in fact they have my registration number don't they to prove that I exist! After all they gave it to me on a Certificate didn't they!

    Even a police-officer needs more than that to arrest or accuse, reasonable suspicion that a crime MAY HAVE BEEN COMMITTED WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS ACTUALLY A CRIME COMMITTED?

    I have received a letter because I exist! I exist either on a Yellow Pages Directory or on a possible HPC. list other than the Register? It cannot be the Register that has been used, that would be pointless, we are all registered there aren't we! That is why Registers exist to record that you are lawfully there you know, I know I'm here, yes I am here, I've spoken to myself, (What do you mean did you answer back!). Now don't you find that strange?

    We are not a fair and accurate sample here are we, we are all Registered for what that is worth! Curious don't you think?

    Robin, is my memory playing tricks here, are you not in the Outer Circle of the HPC.,

    1. Do you perhaps have some knowledge of this?

    2. How come you got a letter? (Computer perhaps?).

    3. If I am not mistaken is this not a 'COMPUTER PRINT RUN' untouched by human hands? Could I be stepping into Science Fiction here by chance, or perhaps not?

    I have more but that should do for now!



    PS. I am not trying to appear for the Accused here, "They who advertise whilst not being REGISTERED." I will go after anyone I find anywhere with a clear conscience if I see it happening! But when I see an innocent minority threatened by a Government Establishment, the GRANDPARENTS, I wanted to know why?

    If something like this happened in the street I would be suing the police-officer for assault, or the very least a police complaint, he didn't have the evidence or reasonable suspicion to stop me, a technical assault without the battery s42 the old 1861 Offences against the Persons Act but probably amended by now? I opened the letter and was confronted by Two Offences laid out with the tees crossed and the I's dotted! I was put in fear, assaulted for a few moments by an implied threat contained in the letter! s42 of the 1861 Act perhaps!

    PPS. Robin,

    You got the letter not those jokers in the Yellow pages and are you saying that all Yellow Pages are now post 9th. July 2005 printing? A lot of those jokers could very well have ceased to practice on the 9th. July, I know one personally for a start??? It is the use of the title surely physically? Not the historical use of the title because the Yellow Pages cannot be erased or destroyed on the 10th.July??? Is some one jumping the gun here perhaps?

    Known suspicion is not good enough! You need the primary evidence. Talking to someone over the phone is not primary evidence, That is one of the reasons why phone tapping is suspect and not admissible in certain cases! You need someone to be actually treated by, whoever, or witness a treatment! Next problem for anyone acting for the HPC., is 'Inciting someone to commit an offence by becoming a Provocateur!' You need someone with expertize to do that! Has HPC. got it, or want it?

    Last edited: Sep 19, 2005
  16. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Hi Derek and Cameron,

    Cross posting from me I am afraid! Started well before you all and finished well after you all. It is now going to be interesting reading them all?

    Cheers you all,

    Colin. (Are me all!).
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2005
  17. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    The Internet?

    Hi Robin,

    I'm not picking on you I assurer you, honest!

    You mention some body advertising on the INTERNET. Years ago I found myself advertised as a State Registered Chiropodist on the INTERNET? I had not put it there and I'm damned sure I am not going to take it off now if it's still there.

    I told a headmaster where he could go many years ago when the cane was still in existence in his hand! Someone had written my name on the school toilet wall you see! I was not prepared to clean it off the toilet wall then and I can assurer you I'm damned if I'm going to start now on the INTERNET! This Internet wall/Notice Board whatever was not Yellow Pages! I cannot remember where I saw it now and I'm not going to stir myself looking for it!!! Real evidence, not hearsay that someone placed such evidence anywhere will be needed!!!

    I have a certain sympathy for what you are trying to say Robin, don't we all want justice! But it's to quick, the gun has been jumped and I'm doing nothing more in these posts Robin and HPC. but calling foul. A judge would never believe a retired police officer being frightened by a letter, but a twenty year old State Registered Chiropodist just might be?

    Cheers Robin,

    Last edited: Sep 19, 2005
  18. Akbal

    Akbal Active Member

    HPC Letter

    Colin et al,

    I also received this letter, I am not grandparented and have been on the Statutory register since 1996. I should say the letter did not concern me at all.

    I was however interested in the reaction on this forum, I want to point out the war is over and we have to get on with life. I know this may not go down well but it seems to me that some of the grandparented Pod's on this and other forums' are a little less than confident they should be on the register whilst at the same time protesting they are a least as good if not better than the non-grandparented.

    In my experience there are good and bad on each side and there are even good FHP's(why they didn't register is beyond me but that life).

    There are FHP's still using the title Chiropodist and in fact I reported one last week, despite the fact that he is actually a rather better clinician than the grandparented bod down the road however the law is the law and we need to protect what little we have.

    However we are all in the same boat now and we must get together and quite frankly stop this cold war. We have nothing to gain and much to lose, what do you think we look like a bunch of children. There is no more them and us and if you want to slag someone of then make it someone outside the profession, stick together and we will enhance the practice of Podiatry continue bickering and we will do it untold damage.
  19. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Hi Akbal to true nothing to do with us!

    Hi Akbal,

    To true nothing to do with you or I? So how did you get one and get into the act. Did you by any chance start off on a list in the private sector, get a degree and then transfer to the state registered sector, perhaps? 1996? It must be an old List!

    Also true very true, I hope others are listening. Then again!!!


  20. Akbal

    Akbal Active Member

    HPC Letter

    No, I have always been registered.

    It is my belief that everyone has been sent this letter and it is not picking on the Grandparented.

    Colin, get a grip, noone is out to get you.
  21. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member


    Hi All and Akbal,

    An interesting thought, would some others of the Old Brigade be prepared to enlighten us and confirm their receiving of this Letter? Was it an universally posted Letter or an individually posted Letter? Ten to fifteen thousand plus? Now how many trees was that?

    I wonder whether it's the same letter? Mine could not possibly be sent to you Akbal or the rest of you I think, just to add to the confusion!

    Yes Akbal I feel very safe and confident in what I practice as a Chiropodist, but that does not mean I take things lying down.

    And, "the Law is the Law," problem is what Law is this? The Letter has enlightened me on what will be needed to prove a case, evidence wise? It will be interesting to here whether you appear for the prosecution as a witness, or are you and others counting and depending on frightening these people off with the threat of prosecution? Has the HPC. formed an intention to prosecute? How many possible offences is there out there I wonder?




    PS. I thought I had seen a posting on the ACPU's. site a couple of years ago where you were wanting to stay in the ACPU. as well as transferring to the SOCh. I didn't keep a copy, could have been a similar name and I could be mistaken of course, no matter?
  22. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Akbal

    I don't think it's that we think we are being picked on or starting another them and us thingy,

    It's just total disbelief at the incompetent bureaucracy that prompted the letter in the first place besides the disgraceful waste of money and resources in doing so.


  23. CAS

    CAS Member

    Well Colin it doesn't take much to light your fuse :eek:

    I don't think there is any conspiracy theory going on just poor administration, which reminds me of an educational institution I know that still doesn't have a tutor for their LA module: but that's another story................ :mad:

    Colin you are either an eccentric buffoon or pleasantly barking. I suspect it is the latter. This is not said in a malicious way, just that I don't think many readers can understand what you are raving on about half the time.

    Still, can be entertaining at times.

    All best wishes

  24. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Hi Caroline,

    Quote:- "I don't think many readers can understand what you are raving on about half the time."

    Ahh yes Caroline, but I do!

    All best wishes,


    PS. I prefer pleasantly Barking!
  25. CAS

    CAS Member

    Woof Woof, 'nuff said, I think we've exhausted this one don't you?
  26. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member


    Hi Caroline,

    Yes, very much so, I was prepared to put it to bed this morning but others had other ideas! Euthanasia may have to be applied later in the week?

    I am waiting for a possible response from HPC. Various feelers and enquires out at the moment, (Without breeching their confidentiality of course!), later in the week? Also other contacts sharing an interest in what you do not appear to agree with? I mean the importance to some of us of receiving threatening Letters at this time? Again I must be vague I'm afraid until the appropriate moment if there is going to be one?

    Exhausted and has come to a sudden halt has this one according to my friends!



    PS. I've never seen a Thread get a burst of sudden life like this one has every hour on the hour! (Sorry elucidating again, or should it be Hallucinating!).
  27. Robin Crawley

    Robin Crawley Active Member

    Hi Colin!

    Erm... I had no knowledge that the HPC was going to send out the aforementioned letter. So please don't slap me! Please! I just sit on the HPC panels sometimes, I'm not a council member.

    In my post I mentioned yell.com, not Yellow Pages. Surely yell.com et al. can be updated very quickly, to remove those that shouldn't be there.

    I'm sure old printed directories i.e. Yellow Pages will be viewed as historical, but if someone was to put themselves in a new yellow pages who was not registered and not currently having their application for registration processed, they would be in breach of the regulations and liable for prosecution.

    In my view (which is just speculation about this letter) it certainly has got people talking, there's a long thread about it on the smae website. Yes they could have checked the register first before sending it out, but at least the HPC cannot be accused of not being pro-active in their stance to the unregistered who are claiming to be registered (by use of titles that the aren't legally entitled to).

    Again I'm happy with the letter. I had a grin when I got it, and I don't think it's a waste of registrant's money.

    Hope that helps...


  28. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Robin

    Oh dear how can you EVER try to justify this fiasco ????

    My yellow pages directory came out in August this year contains 2 to my knowledge non registered practitioners in the corporate box. I was told on enquiring it may be this it may be that and any other stuff and nonsense that came to mind rather than take action.

    With all due respect PLEEEZSE don't try to defend the indefensible you are turning a joke into a pantomime :mad:

    Well , I'm dumbfounded by that statement ??

    All I can say is you probably fit in well with your peers on the hpc !!! :(

    I estimate each letter cost around £1 to process and send , A USELESS, BUREAUCRATIC PIECE OF INCOMPETENT WASTE !!

    Let's wait and see what excuses we get back from these pillars of political correctness, as long as they don't spend ANOTHER £9000 of OUR MONEY doing it!!


  29. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member


    Hi All,

    Thank you Robin for that even if I find it impossible to agree with the main thrust of your argument? Derek's said it for me!

    When I came down after writing the original message above, as usual, I had many doubts as to the tone and tempo of the Message? Despite Admins. OK in allowing the message re Rules, (Insulting the odd group here and there?). I decided to clean it up and leave it in a more reasoned state of affairs re. it's format!

    Reading Robin and Derek's replies above I had a remembrance of a short para. on FHP's. that I had removed! Now I think it would have been better not to have taken it out? Surely the FHP's. should have been the main target of this LETTER? Possibly the only target reminding them of the pitfalls of using the PROTECTED TITLES and not the Lawfully Registered who have the use of the PROTECTED TITLES! Taken as an insult, if not a direct threat to continuing REGISTRATION by such as myself in the future?


    Then there are those who think I am making a fuss about nothing it seems! An implication that I could be a LAW BREAKER, a fuss, my pensions at stake here? Well just to rub it in, one of my pensions is at stake here! Oh just throw it in the bin???

    Oh we have registered you but really we would much rather not have you around you know, I cannot believe that the Registrar meant that! And someone above actually thought that I by inference had a problem with whether I should be registered or not? Then I find that he is a State Registered Chiropodist! He got one too? That really left me dumbfounded, (But don't worry folks, not for long!), and that is why I started this Thread and queried it. By the way; What on earth was he doing with one???

    It doesn't take much to light my fuse! To true when this sort of thing is going on! Childish, well sometimes you have to come down to the level of the debate you know! The sending of the LETTER may have been well intentioned, but some of us might just have considered it to be instigated by malice, from person or persons unknown! So you must let it pass you by and CONFORM?

    I can never understand how a person can start saying something at the beginning of a speech or in deep conversation and end up saying the complete exact opposite by the time they get to the end? In this case it fits those who joined the ranks of the Registered and then they start kicking those left behind? That is why I took the para. on FHP. out of the first message. This usually happens when they whoever they are realize where the main power thinking lies and CONFORM! I have lived and worked with pastmaster's of the art! But when you see it in Chiropody where there is not always the highest caliper of intellectual debate shown outside the mechanics and art of chiropody, it sometimes leaves you speechless, (I'm speechless again!).

    A short summary regarding the LETTER,

    1. It was posted to, (In the main), those who were registered?

    2. It was even posted to the old guard, the late State Registered Chiropodist? Need more proof of that to confirm it? Only one so far?

    3. It was not posted to the unregistered sector the FHP's. who are the most likely candidates in breaking the LAW if they do not take care? We do not appear to have any evidence to confirm the posting of the LETTER to date to or not too FHP's.?



    PS. Caroline; Since you got two and threw them in the bin were you pre. July the 9th. a S.R.Ch/P.? How come you got two not a plain simple one? What do they think you have been doing Caroline?
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2005
  30. Colin & others

    If you care to read the statement on the HPC website, it explains the reason and methodology of their mailshot.


    Mark Russell
  31. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member


    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for that, much appreciated. When did that appear? I don't remember seeing that before! Problem solved perhaps!

    Much appreciated,

  32. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Mark

    That's a pretty damn expensive way to let those already registered know don't you think ??

    However you dress it up Mark it's a waste of our money!!


  33. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    HPC Alibi!

    Hi HPC.,

    Thank you for posting explanation for LETTER posting on your main web page!


    Thank you for posting message with date on your posting, I needed the alibi!!!. For those who are not following this private conversation with HPC.? The letter explanation was posted on the 19 .9 .5, This Thread kicked off on 17 .9 .5! You are forgiven HPC., o-ops, cheeky, apologies HPC. anyway!? (The Webmaster won't let me type o.o.p.s. sickening isn't it!)! I needed the alibi HERE you see HPC. much obliged!

    Caroline you see I wasn't loosing my marbles here? Then again, just posted in Yellow Pages and Thomson perhaps, that explains it, why I only got one and you two, I mean! My Yellow Pages was pre. 9th. July!

    A Still Small Voice told me to get out of my bed, switch on the computer and read this Posting Thread early this Morning, you see I'm not loosing my marbles, Then HE, reference the marbles, the Lord might still think so of course? You see small Miracles still do happen, but it's not you Mark, Sorry couldn't resist that, but you might have been His Instrument here Mark! Now there's a sobering thought for you and everyone else! Some may find they are not quite following all this on a higher plain, perhaps, don't worry about it!

    Still sorting out who and how to apologies to next, No not you Lord, I'm always doing that!

    Regards All,


    PS. Wondered where you were Mark? Scotland perhaps, shaking hands with one of the main one's I'm apologizing too here? The rest of you don't bother just wait your turn!

    PPS. 'Yo', no! To whom it may concern, 'the next Edit and Modification', will be for spelling and grammar this posted in advance to save time, still on automatic! Feel happy you see that I am not being slandered or persecuted, I should be so lucky!!!
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2005
  34. CAS

    CAS Member

    Oh thank God Mark has brought some sanity into the proceedings :eek: All it needed was a bit of logic and common sense.

    I would have thought that Robin being a friend/partner/chummy/pal of the HPC would have been privy to this information or even checked it out. :rolleyes:

    Never mind, all's well that end's well, except for Colin (Victor Meldrew), who is in danger of blowing a gasket in the not too distant. :eek:

    I think there should be a special smilie just for you Colin with eyes rolling inwards. Again only said in jest, don't take offence.


    Caroline :p
  35. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Forum Rules Breached, Admin. perhaps!

    Careful Caroline,

    Everything is not alright at this time as you suggest. This all started because of a HPC. letter without explanation immediately before or after it's posting!

    If the HPC. had sent out the explanation with the letter, or on it's website it would have been acceptable to such as I! Even a PS. on the bottom of the letter explaining why such as I got it would have done! You do not threaten innocent people with something like this suggesting that they may be guilty of something and then expect them to lie down under it, or stick your head in the sand, perhaps. Para. No. 8 sounded like an April fools joke, "I Fooled You didn't I!"

    I am happy now that the letter has been fully explained, not by Mark but by the HPC., today! The explanation is just a day old. I expect my letter to the HPC. pointing out and referring to a number of things to be duly address in their own time. I will tell you what they say unless a breach of confidence would occur thereby stopping me from doing so!

    Your unjust mud slinging is fast becoming irksome, a matter for this Forums Admin. if it continues in this vain! I would advice you to look at the Forums rules on "hanging people out to dry" whether or not it is justified in your eyes, before continuing further! This is not That other place where anything goes!



    PS. Don't mind playing along with you to a certain point but you are becoming tiresome. You are not Admin. remember that and please stop this character assassination business before I am forced to make the obvious complaint. We are all equal here. My opinions are no higher or lower than yours. If you don't like them there is a command on your Membership screen to switch me off! I might do the same to you! Now isn't that childish don't you think?

    PPS. Robin has explained his position as well as he is able. We put him in a very difficult position, Derek and I. Hanging him out to dry is not what I would expect you to be doing here. He is not in the inner circle so why do you expect him to fair any better than you or I, more criticism and character assassination? At best he gave us his opinion. So you or I don't agree with it. Tough!!!
  36. Colin

    The notice was on the HPC website last week. I think I read it as a press release last Thursday and if memory serves me correct, before I read your rant.

    Do you think you could put this to bed as it's not Caroline who's being tiresome?

  37. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Mark ,

    Strange I checked HPC. site on Saturday nothing found then, could have missed it? However, the message is dated 19.9.5 Monday! Ease to see when you pointed it out, wasn't before!



    PS. Command to ignore is in your members Screen. Had you switched on and off for months!
  38. stevewells

    stevewells Active Member

    Hello all - I am HPC registered - previously state registered - in private practice and advertising in yellow pages and yell.com - i got the letter - assume it was a mailshot to anyone advertising - read the letter carefully and noticed that it said "if you are registered ignore this" - i ignored it and got on with the business of treating feet!!
  39. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Trust and it's need to be Spelt out!

    Hi Steve,

    Very true, we all know that now. But your post is a worthy inclusion for those who might still be reading and misinterpreting this letter even now for the first time? Not to clear, not to black and white to some of us! HPC. have a note on their Website I am relieved to say!


    Colin. (Trust you know, sometimes in this sort of thing not so transparent for some of us and in short supply?).
  40. C Bain

    C Bain Active Member

    Letter from HPC.!

    Hi All,

    I have received a very informative letter from Kelly Johnson, Director of Fitness to Practise, explaining and confirming most of the positive things discussed above,

    1. The HPC. Letter sent to registered and those unregistered practitioners wishing to advertise in the Yellow Pages or Thomson's Directory. It sets out and lets these practitioners know, (The unregistered practitioners), that they can no longer use the protected title!

    2. Yell.com also has the HPC. encouraging people searching for health professionals to check they who are advertising are registered!

    3. A question asked by me has been answered in the letter as following,
    "Your adverts. are fine to use. In regard to the title you are a Registered Chiropodist." This answer refers to my advertising in my Yellow Pages and Thomson Directories.

    In advertising the title "Registered Chiropodist" Is an accurate description of what a chiropodist is. HPC. are quite happy with the partitioner answering someone as, 'I am a Registered Chiropodist or Registered Podiatrists.'
    After all that is what you are if you are registered aren't you!!!



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