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  1. Alan Whitby Member

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    I started a thread on this subject over on TFS, but surprisingly there have been no takers. It is actually intended as a serious, not frivilous question.

    In the June Pod Now (page 6) it reports that training for social nail cutting services has started in Wales, with an active supportive role played by the Welsh Policy Officer representing the SCP. The first training day was held on March 3, and are now being arranged monthly.

    The report stated (quote) “Procurement of disposable instrumentation, sharps disposal and the organisation of staff were necessary before the inaugural nail cutting training day”.

    Sharps disposal? What else might Age Concern and similar bodies be allowed to do?
  2. George Brandy Active Member


    I feel your selective quoting from the article is perhaps a touch provocative?

    I rather think that (quote) "interaction of service provision between Age Concern Cymru, Private Practice and Cardiff and Vale Health Board" indicates a need for procurement of such a service at best price for all involved.

    Maybe the Welsh Policy Officer is also forcing the use of disposable instumentation rather than making the service user take responsiblility for their own instruments and decontamination there of. This requires a disposal arrangement. I don't know about you Alan, but my single use instruments go into my sharps bin.

    Perhaps congratulations should be offered to the Welsh Policy Officer?

    What say you Alan?

  3. Alan Whitby Member


    When Social nail cutting via groups like Age Concern was first mooted, the main proposal as I remember it was to provide each "patient" with their own set of instruments. "Volunteers" were hardly likely to cope with autoclaves and pouched instruments. You are now suggesting that people given a one day training course will also sally forth with disposable packs and the facility for sharps disposal? And that is cost effective? More cost effective than using qualified pods, or even APs or FCAs, with autoclaved instruments? In the current political climate, watch this space.

    I asked the question and your response "I rather think", "maybe" and "perhaps" shows that it would be helpful if someone actively involved in the scheme could give a definitive answer.

    Last edited: May 31, 2010
  4. George Brandy Active Member

    Then I suggest, Alan, you contact the Society for more details if you are not satisfied with the ones I have supplied.

  5. Alan Whitby Member

    Not being a SCP member, I doubt if my question would elicit a reponse from that source. And on past experience, if I wrote to Pod Now it would be at least two months before a letter was printed - assuming it was at all. Is there no-one on this forum involved in the scheme who can simply provide "horse's mouth"?

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