< Neuromuscular stimulation early after ankle sprain | Measuring and recording Supination Resistance Test Results clinically >
  1. Andoni Member

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    Hi all,

    I have casted a patient, non-weight bearing, and noticed only after the patient left that the left foot cast is not resting on the 1st and 5th met heads but actually on the 1st and 4th - actually a little posterior to the 4th met head; the 5th is elevated perhaps 1 to 1.5 mm. Were the cast to rest on the 1st and 5th it would show neutral forefoot to rearfoot, as it is it shows about 1-2 deg varus. Do I need to recast? Would it be unsound to pour it wedged to neutral and then file down the 4th met head after pouring until the positive cast is resting on the 1st and 5th? The orthotic here is to end behind the met heads if that matters.

    Thank you.

  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Just modify the positive. It easy that way.
  3. Andoni Member

    Thank you, Craig.
< Neuromuscular stimulation early after ankle sprain | Measuring and recording Supination Resistance Test Results clinically >

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