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  1. feet-care Welcome New Poster

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    I am just about to start up my own practice in July 2013 and building up a "shopping" list.

    Please advice as to the best product to buy to use to stop an minor treatment bleed from bleeding afterwards. I would like it to be in fluid form - rather than dressings.

    Also if any of you would be kind enough to let me know your top 10 products that you use in your own practice I would be very grateful.


    John (new)
  2. bob Active Member

    Hi John,

    Sorry if this sounds quite simple but - pressure and a bit of gauze. Apply pressure to most minor bleeds for approx 2 mins (seems an age when you're doing it) and they stop. Then tell the patient to reduce activity for approx 24 hours and it will be fine. Cheap, simple and common sense.

    Or get some ferric chloride. Takes me back. Seriously though, pressure, gauze and short term immobility.

    Best of luck,
  3. wdd Well-Known Member

    This week one stuff from your undergraduate course and something you do on average once a day in practice.

    I don't understand why your asking this question?
  4. Suzannethefoot Active Member

    You will try out many product until you find the ones that suit you, there's no use asking others. In a recent branch meeting, several people took in their dom bags to compare, there was hardly any duplication of lotions and potions. Just go with what you fancy.
    As above, with minor bleeds, pressure is the best and cheapest way!
  5. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Go with Bob absolutely on this one. Remember the old joke? Q. What's the bleeding time? A. Half past bloody four. The real answer is 3-5 minutes in a healthy person.

    Bob and I do a lot of surgery and all that is required is elevation, pressure (with plain gauze) and a simple dressing.

    All the best

  6. wdd Well-Known Member

    Apart from digital pressure and ferric chloride I'd love to know if there are even eight other prodicts which are used for minor haems?

    I have read that spiders web is very effective.

    So what are podiatrists using to stop haems?

  7. Viper venom. And a needle and thread for the hems!
  8. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    Off the top of my head and in no particular order I can list four products:
    Silver nitrate, ferric chloride, alum, and alginate - the proprietary brand used to be Kaltostat.

    Like Bill and Bob I always found digital pressure to work best.
    Ferric chloride is messy stuff - especially when spilt on the floor.
    Silver Nitrate went out of fashion - the eschar was supposed to have the potential to trap contaminants within the wound:confused:. I was never convinced about this, and I suspect that there was little if any research carried out to support the hypothesis.
    I never used alum so cannot comment on that.

    Kaltostat was an expensive (well, more expensive than digital pressure anyway) dressing.
    I believe it was developed originally for the Dental profession, and I can see why it would be useful there.
    Is it still in use in Podiatry?
  9. DOGGUSS Welcome New Poster

    Stopping the haem is one thing >> pressure is excellent. Sealing the wound is another.There are several "liquid band-aids" either swab or aerosol - freely available from pharmacies. Wounds need to be moist and sterile for best healing - this is provided by the coating "film" - as well as protection from infection.
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