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  1. joejared Active Member

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    I'm posing this question because I'm seeing a pattern of casting with one new client and am posing the question from as neutral a position as possible. In your estimation, how would the cast or scan look, anatomically after the foot has been positioned for casting, either scanned or with biofoam, as compared to one that has been biofoam casted or scanned using a conventional root style?

    Disclaimer: This is not meant to inflame or irritate, although someone might jump into it taking sides, etc. I'm just confirming a thought on a current customer's data results.
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    I can do one better and even send you scans of them both...but will try and get some screen shots from them to post here.

    Basically, the main difference is shape is a much more dorsiflexed calcaneus and steeper inclination to the first ray.

    At the Boot Camps, we do it both ways for comparison
< Ethnic difference in foot function in elite rugby league players | Sensory effects of foot orthoses >

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