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The cuboid bone

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by NewsBot, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    A Morphometric and Morphological Study on Dry Adult Cuboid Bones.
    Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research . Jan2021, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p5-8. 4p.
  2. Rob Kidd

    Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    Maybe they should have read the following papers on the tarsus, all of which included the cuboid. Any study of an isolated tarsal element (with the possible exception of the talus), gives an incomplete picture of the true patterns of morphological variation and what they mean - functional, genetic, or both.

    – Zipfel B., DeSilva J.M., Kidd R.S., Carlson K.J., Churchill S.E., Berger L.R. 2011 The Foot and Ankle of Australopithecus sediba. Science 333 1417-1420

    – Zipfel B., DeSilva J.M. & Kidd R.S. 2009. Earliest Complete Hominin Fifth Metatarsal – Implications for the Evolution of the Lateral Column of the Foot. The American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 140: 532-545.

    – Kidd, R.S. On the Nature of Morphology: Selected Canonical Variates Analysis of the Hominoid Hindtarsus and Their Interpretation. In: Shaping Primate Evolution. Anapol, German & Jablonski (Eds.) pp.162-92. Cambridge University Press. 2004.

    – Kidd, R.S. Individual and Integrated Analyses of Tarsal Morpology: A Case study in Humans In: The Causes and Effects of Human Variation. Henneberg M (Ed.) pp. 61-81. Department of Anatomical Sciences, The University of Adelaide 2001.

    – Kidd R.S. 1999. Evolution of the Hindfoot: A model of Adaptation with Evidence from the Fossil Record. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 89: 2-17.\

    – Kidd R.S. 1998. The Past is the key to the present: Thoughts on the origins of human foot structure, function and dysfunction as seen from the fossil record. The Foot 8: 75-84.

    – Kidd R.S., O’Higgins P. and Oxnard C.E.. 1996. The OH8 Foot: a reappraisal of the functional morphology of the hindfoot utilizing a multivariate analysis. The Journal of Human Evolution. 31: 269-291

    All of the above contain examination pertinent to the cuboid, the calcaneo-cuboid joint of the cuboid 5th Metatarsal joint.

    Morphometric studies of the cuboid are not new. The first to my knowledge was in 1993. Knowledge of the importance of the "beak" AKA known as the calcaneal process has been known since at least this time, but probably much earlier

    I have looked through the archives of the UNISA library to find a copy of this work but it seems not to be available, at least yet.

  3. Brian A. Rothbart

    Brian A. Rothbart Well-Known Member

    The ontogenesis of the cuboid bone controls the position of the (embryological) lateral column of the foot.

    Cuboid supinatus, if severe enough, can result in a PreClinical Clubfoot Deformity (one of the four most common genetic foot structures).
  4. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Anatomic Description of the Calcaneocuboid Joint: Implications for Staple Fixation
    Dominick J Casciato et al
    J Foot Ankle Surg. 2023 Jan 29;S1067-2516(23)00010-8
  5. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Anthropometric Analysis of Cuboid Bones in a South Indian Population
    Sakthivel Sulochana; Yuvaraj, Maria Francis; Sankara N, G; Sarala D, K V; Dhakshnamoorthy Nithya. 

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