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  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

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    In 2006, Channel 4 reported Halle Berry had 6 toes (sexdactyly) on her right foot although the actress denied this. A recent published photograph has rekindled the rumour that Ms Berry was born with polydactylism. In 1989 she was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 1 but that did not stop her from becoming an actress and is now one of the highest paid thespians in Hollywood. She is also a former Miss USA (1986) and was voted more recently as one of the sexiest women in the world, sex toes or not. Other luminaries with polydactylism include beafcake, Bollywood film star, Hrithik Rosham who has an extra thumb on his right hand. Antonio Alfonseca is a major league baseball player with polydactylism and Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII allegedly had polydactyly. Her husband is thought to have has syphilic sores on his feet. The fashion for bearspaw shoes (very broad) during the 16th century was thought to have started because a Spanish prince was born with polydactylism and to have had an amputation was thought more life threatenting than the inconvenience of wearing broader shoes. The fashion for long toed shoed changed to accommodate six toes.


  2. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    along with canberra socialite and podiatrist extra-ordinaire moi. A autosomally dominant polysyndactyly of 1,2, and 3; manifesting as bilateral fused prox and dist phalanges, with full 1-2 webbing in me; no poly but full bilateral 1-2 and 2-3 webbing in daughter; and as separate right duplicated halllucial phalanges and separate left duplicated distal phalanges, yep 11 and 1/2 toes BUT HIS GOT MY STUNNING LOOKS!)

    no syphilis but a few zits in my adolescence
< Podiatry student competing in world sailing champs | Toenail to be used to identifty human leg >

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