< UK foot orthoses activity | Preconditioning does not reduce running injury >
  1. Phil3600 Active Member

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    Just thought I'd let people know about a documentary coming up on BBC 1 next Thursday at 8pm. It investigates the claims of sports companies about their products and there will be something on there about running shoes, bikes, supplements. Be interesting to see how it compares to what has been discussed on here recently.

    Here is the link below giving a bit more detail. It will be on BBC iplayer for a week after but I'm not sure if that works outside the UK


  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    The BBC have put up the video:

    Ironically, I found out they had put it up due to a couple of tweets I picked up from those bragging about the comments in the show about the lack of evidence for running shoes! ..... funny how they like to promote barefoot when it has no more evidence for it than running shoes ... oh the hypocrisy of their message!
  3. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

  4. CEM Active Member

    it's panorama, a great program at trying to disprove things without actually proving the counter argument

    and as for the actual barefoot on the pavement without any shoes at all minimalistic or otherwise....how many injuries would be caused!
  5. AlanCawthorne Member

    Barefoot running - Sponsored by Elastoplast!
  6. Phil3600 Active Member

    I've seen parts of it on my iphone but need to have a proper watch later. However, I've had 2 patients telling me they saw the programme and running shoes aren't good for the feet. I don't remember hearing that bit I just though they focused on lack of evidence to support the reduction in injury claims.

    Maybe I should tell them to wear high heels. They may get back pain but they may also get a cheeky pay out for their efforts as this lady did.

  7. wdd Well-Known Member

    Whatever the pros and cons of barefoot running would it not be a good idea if those interested in trying barefoot running started with barefoot walking?

    I get the impression that barefoot runners take off their walking shoes to run. Maybe the barefoot running should come after six months of barefoot walking to allow the body/foot to adapt. Probably less risk of injury from barefoot walking than barefoot running.

    Unfortunately, apart from on beaches, neither barefoot walking or barefoot running looks too 'sick' (awesome, brilliant) and is more likely to be associated, by the observer, with dire poverty, some undesireable mental state and probably more accurately dirty feet. Even more problematic is the current lack of direct commercial opportunity. OK there is money to be made from treating the injuries of barefooters but what about products? As we all know treatments make a living but products make wealth.

    May I propose the pedale quadrikini. The minimum of minimal footwear the pedale quarikini consists of a four part jointed EVA sole which is adhered to the plantar aspect using a medium soft skin adhesive. One section is adhered to plantar aspect of the toes. The second section is adhered to the forefoot. The third section is adhered to the mid section of the foot and the final section is adhered to the heel.

    For those who find the quadrikini just too revealing how about the foot hugging pedale condom. thickened on one side to form an outer sole the pedale condom guarantees hours of risk free leisure pleasure.

    The serious question in this posting is why do I hear so much about barefoot running and so little about barefoot walking?

  8. I'm afraid your idea for the "quadrikini" has already been done.... I'm sure someone will linky you to it. It was basically pads you stick on your feet as you describe.
  9. RobinP Well-Known Member

    If I remember correctly, it was running a close second to spray painting the bottom of your feet to get really close to barefoot running
  10. I thought it was a reasonably program. It DID point out that there is no evidence for barefoot running.

    The only bit which made me shout at the TV was when they showed Nigg explaining how impact reduction in shoes does not necessarily protect from injury (fair enough) then in the counter argument showed Irene Davis waxing about how much less impact there was in barefoot running.

    Can't have it both ways.
  11. Sicknote Active Member

    Loaded with 8 teaspoons of one of the most destructive substances for the human body.

    My Lord.
  12. wdd Well-Known Member

    You win some you lose some.

    While I was 'researching', the quadrikini, ie looking online for a convincing sounding adhesive I was struck by the apparently scientific advances in skin adhesives.

    Stickology one way or another would seem relevant to podiatry? Is it a current area of intrest?

    How do paraolympians keep their running aids in place? I assume its gone well beyond negative pressure and a bit of string or are all of the apparent developments in skin adhesives just smoke, mirrors and hype?

    Are there adhesives which can be used, on a daily basis, to stick things to weightbearing areas of skin without eventual damage to the underlying area of skin?

  13. N.Knight Active Member

    I am glad that I was not the only one going mad at that point, so the bit on just change your running gait, like everyone can do it just like that. Only if that was easy
  14. I liked the bit where Lieberman said that when you run barefoot "there is no impact". Thanks Dan, what planet are you on?
  15. Pod on sea Active Member

    Irene Davis suggested that the GRF x time graph of the heel striker was 'bad' because it had two peaks rather than the clearly much better lovely smooth single peak of the forefoot striker. It's also a shame they didn't link back to Lieberman's 'no impact with barefoot running' comment by asking what the graphs showed. I think Nigg gave a balanced view, but his comments probably made less impression than Irene Davis with the visual of the treadmill running and computer showing the graphs.
    I guess Joe Public will probably take it that science/a machine that goes ping was on the telly and proves that running shoes are bad and barefoot is best, which will keep us in business!
  16. Sicknote Active Member

    Sugary drinks lead to alterations in muscles similar to those in people with obesity problems and type 2 diabetes.


    The same amount that energy drinks contain which athletes & runners alike consume.

    Why do we experience so many foot injuries?. Sugar weakens the body, joints & bones.
< UK foot orthoses activity | Preconditioning does not reduce running injury >

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