< Laboratory setup | Dealing with the challenging patient >
  1. Alice_90 Member

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    Hi Again,

    Was wondering if someone could give me some more ideas for a mangement plan for a patient who has had tibialis posterior tendon dysfunction for more than 6 months.

  2. Hi Alice have you read less threads -

    Threads marked with Tibialis Posterior tendon Dysfunction

    It depends on how much damage or plastic deformation has occurred to the Tendon and the forces acting on the tendon . The more the greater the need for surgery.

    have a read of the threads will give you some ideas

    also have a read of this thread it will help with information to the reader. The more info you give us the better information and help you will receive.

    Presenting Patients for Clinical Advice

    Good luck
  3. Alice_90 Member

    Thank you very much!

    I have the whole biomechanical assessment form for the patient including FPI's, dynamic gait analysis, prone examination/supine examination etc, but wasnt quite sure if I should add that all in....
    I'll have a read of the other threads and if Im still having trouble, ill re post some of the biomechanical information I have...

    Thanks again.

< Laboratory setup | Dealing with the challenging patient >

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