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Treatment of painful fissures with Liquiheel

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by SDBizz, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. SDBizz

    SDBizz Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    I've just taken delivery of a box of goodies, sent via good 'ole mum in the UK!

    Included in my order were 10 capsules of Liquiheel. I have a couple of patients in mind who I think would benefit from this treatment but I want to ask, having never used it before, how easy is it to use and how far do I go with debriding the areas with the fissures? Does there need to be blood to make the Liquiheel bond?

    Apologies for the dumb questions but I'm starting out after a long time off and to make matters worse in Greece where there are very few Pods and none I feel I can approach!

    I haven't found any case studies online on the use of Liquiheel, does anyone know of any links they could direct me to?

    Thanks, Sara
  2. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Hi Sara,

    It`s very easy to use. Prior to application, you only need to reduce the callus (i.e. no haem). The fissure edges should then be opposed manually and then apply the adhesive in two thin continuous layers, allowing 30 seconds to polymerize between layers. Due to the low viscosity of the adhesive, take care to ensure that excessive run-off does not occur, nor should you allow it to wick or seep into incompletely opposed edges during application. This can be easily avoided by horizontal positioning of the wound surface.

    Just bear in mind that fissures under high tensile stress may need an offloading in-shoe device to reduce tension.


    Linky; Liquiheel poster
  3. SDBizz

    SDBizz Member

    Bel, you're a star!

    It sounds very straight forward. Thank you once again!

  4. blinda

    blinda MVP

    No worries, Sara. If you receive Pod Now, I published a review case series in the September `09 issue.

    Have a good weekend :drinks
  5. mchad500

    mchad500 Member

    You may want to try steri-strips to appose skin edges and tell patient to allow them to fall off on its own
  6. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Just received a nudge informing me that the Link in my previous post isn`t working.

    Here it is again;

    Attached Files:

  7. David Smith

    David Smith Well-Known Member


    I use Acrytensil standard for the same purpose but I debride the fissure to leave a valley, sometimes with haem and them fill with the acrytensil and dress with a non adhesive dressing and fleecy web once dry. This seems to work very well to resolve deep penetrating painful fissures
  8. Popsie

    Popsie Welcome New Poster

    Hi David, I have just stumbled upon this site in the quest for 'how to use Acrytensil'. I have a patient in mind who I am hoping with the use of this product can finally put an end to his painful sore heel fissures. Once you have applied the product and dressed the foot how long would you recommend the dressing stay in place for? Will the Acrytensil be removed with bathing or does the patient have to attend to your clinic for removal and if so is this an easy painless process? Are there any aftercare instructions that you would give to your patient upon leaving? I am sorry to pick your brains like this but I would really appreciate your help. Thank you
  9. AliceP

    AliceP Member

    Hi Popsie, Please can you let me know what results you get from using Acrytensil as i am thinking of purchasing some now that i've found out that liquiheel isn't available any more. I have never used either, just trying to see what my options are. Many Thanks
  10. blinda

    blinda MVP

    It is still available, just re-labelled as `Liquiband`;

  11. AliceP

    AliceP Member

    Brill, thanks for that Blinda. I did contact the main supplier of the Liquiheel brand and they informed me that it is no longer in production. So i may well go ahead and purchase the new brand from the site which you told me about. Am i right in saying you were involved in some research originally ? I only ask this because i was going to ask you whether honestly it's worth investing in a case of them. Are patients generally happy to pay the extra charge for the product and do they get good results ?
    Thanks a lot for the help !
  12. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Yeah, unfortunately `Liquiheel` was not as popular for podiatric use as Baileys had hoped. Medlogic, the pharmaceutical company, has been producing (and still does) this tissue adhesive under different brand names, according to the market at which it is aimed eg, `Liquiband` is used by vets, A&E depts, etc.

    Whilst it is not cheap, I find that pts don`t mind paying an extra £13 as it offers immediate pain relief in addition to providing a barrier against infection, which sloughs off with skin turnover. When you compare its cost to that of a-well-known-brand `Cracked Heel Repair Kit` (which doesn`t work) I think it is fairly priced. Use of the product was discussed on this thread;

    I did a clinical review on Liquiheel a couple of years ago, which I have attached.


    Attached Files:


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