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  1. Pod on sea Active Member

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    Hi All,
    Re: Unilateral heel lift test either single or repetitive lift (non pre-fatigued)...some patients can perform it with knee extended, but some flex the knee to make it easier/possible.Interested for your thoughts on why this is. Thanks.
  2. efuller MVP

    Depends somewhat on the timing of the knee flexion in relation to the heel lift. If you simultaneously plantar flex the ankle and flex the knee, it is possible to have both those motions without moving the pelvis upward. In that case, the hip acceleration is zero and there would be less force applied than if the pelvis did accelerate upward. (F = Ma).

    That's one possible explanation

  3. Pod on sea Active Member

    Thanks, Eric for this. Any more thoughts, anyone? Craig?
  4. Damien Howell Member

    There is a body of literature developing using straight leg heel raise test versus straight leg heel raise test to clinically differentiate the strength of the gastrocnemius muscle from soleus. Look at letter to editor in Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy 41(12), 985, 2011.

    Damien Howell PT, DPT, OCS
  5. Ina Active Member

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