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  1. bkelly11 Active Member

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    Hi all,

    ive just recently moved to oz from the uk. ive recently taken up a post in northern victoria.

    looking for some info on off the shelf insoles that i can make adjustments to (ie medial heel wedge) at chair side. in the uk i used a product called slimflex.

    Does anyone know of a similar product or could point me in the right direction.

    i have access to fornthotics and vasyli products.

    thanks in advance for any help :drinks
  2. pd6crai Active Member

    Re: insoles

    You made the move, did it all go smoothly?

    We can get ICB orthotics, which can be heat moulded and you can buy additions such as rearfoot additions, heel lifets and metatarsal domes. We get ours from Actimed, although it is a WA based company.

    ICB head office contact details are : ICB Medical Distriputors p/l, 27 Munro AVE, Kirawee NSW 2232
    ph 61 2 9545 4769
    faz: 61 2 9545 5567
    email: info@icbmedical.com
    web: www.icbmedical.com

    Briggate medical also stock various insoles (there should be a catalogue, but if you need the address give me a shout).
  3. Asher Well-Known Member

    Re: insoles

    Hi bkelly11,

    I love the 'Pedipods' for kids and I would not do without Artisans self-adhesive 3 degree and 6 degree EVA wedging strips. I recommend contacting Shane Toohey at Artisan Orthotic Lab, actually check their website. They also have X-Lines which are handy. Vectorthotics are another one they sell and although I don't use them, other pods rave about them.

    I also use a few full length soft Interpods as well as Prothotics. I'm sure you'll find contact details if you google.

  4. Craig Payne Moderator

    Re: insoles

    No you can't. The heat moulding of EVA or PU shank dependant prefabricated orthoses is a myth.
  5. pd6crai Active Member

    Oops, I got a heat gun with my last ones, it was a special deal. Good to see I have never actually used it, which is more a fluke than anything! Good to know.
  6. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    You can try "Superfeet" ph 90188258 ask for Simon, these are heat mouldable
    or try Vasyli ph 0415773119 thats Matts mobile, he should be able to look after you,
    Or Andrew (an Orthitist) on 0414313745 he has some interesting products also, hopefully this what you are looking for? dont ask me to vouch for any of them as l dont use them
  7. Craig Payne Moderator

    nope -
  8. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    These are heat moudable....Yes! in fact "for memory" Super feet sell a chair that has an oven fitted under it whilst Vasily supply a heat gun with some of their items
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2007
  9. Craig Payne Moderator

    As I said above:
    You can change the shape of a EVA, PE or PU prefab with heat --- BUT as soon as you stand on this device in a shoe, they are dependent on the shank of the shoe, so body weight will change whatever shape they were heat moulded into, into a shape that is totally dependent on the thickness of the material --- heat moulding does not change the thickness of the material --> the changing of the shape of shank depedent prefabricated orthoses with heat is a myth.

    I have got a publication working on in which we measured the shape of several brands of "heat mouldable" prefabricated foot orthoses --- heating did not change the thickness of any of them .... manufacturers have done a snow job on us with their claims.
  10. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    as l said "dont ask me to vouch for any of them as l dont use them"

    l am only going by how they market them and how "bkelly11" is most likely looking for them, but l do understand what you are saying.
  11. Asher Well-Known Member

    Search 'heat mould', this has been discussed a bit in the past.
  12. Iain Johnston Active Member

    Re:ICB insoles

    I use ICB orthotics as a budget device, and the heating process, softens the EVA, then when inserted in the shoe, and the foot placed in neutral position, there is a marginal change in shape in the ICB, and it tends to iron out any areas of the defvice that may be uncomfortable, like the styloid process, or the rim of the heel cup. I must say, I get awesome results with these devices and the patient walks out with their prescription in the same visit.
    Additional wedges can be added to boost 'correction' where necessary.

  13. Craig Payne Moderator

    Re: ICB insoles

    Next time you do that, get some calipers and measure the thickness of the material in several places; do the heat molding, then measure the thickness again.
  14. TDC Member

    Hello all!
    Interesting thread as always on this website. Craig could you please explain why structural integrity is determined from the thickness of the EVA/PU/PE? When we heat PE and vacuum press it to a positive cast for the shell of a custom orthoses using a 4mm sheet, does it not stay at the 4mm thickness in this situation also?
    Cheers, Tom
  15. Craig Payne Moderator

    Yes it does, but the finished orthotic holds it shape and is not dependant on the shank of the shoe. The materials that are dependant on the shank the shoe (the EVA's and PU's) can be heated and bent into any shape you like, but as soon as you stand on them, its the thickness of the material that counts and heat molding them does not change that thickness.
  16. Iain Johnston Active Member

    Re: ICB insoles

    Craig, I 100 percent agree, with you, but like I said, the patients do feel they are more accomodative once heated and cooled in-shoe. and at the end of the day...if the patient feels comfy , and releived of their complaint....:D

  17. podtiger Active Member

    Vasyli, interpod, Custom foot adjusted(although obviously there is a wait)
  18. While I agree mostly, but by changing the shape of the arch contour there will also be a change in stiffness of the material. This increase in stiffness ( up to a point) will mean the device deforms less under load, probably not enough but heat molding can increase the stiffness of a device, again probably not enough to make any significant difference.
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