< Subhallucal interphalangeal sesamoiditis | Podologo in Spain >
  1. alaricsam Welcome New Poster

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    Hi there, I am curious to know how many Podiatrists are currently practicing in Malaysia and would like to know who do Podiatrists that work in Malaysia register under? Input would be much appreciated, thnx!
  2. hkpod Active Member

    I would think if you have searched for it and can't find it that they may not have a local registration option.
    I'm not in Malaysia but in Hong Kong. Not sure how similar the 2 systems are but we don't have our own registration board here, so we are all registered in our home countries - mainly UK and a couple of us from Australia & USA. I believe the UK registered pods here have no issues with obtaining insurance but none of the Oz companies will cover me while working in Hong Kong, so I have a package through QBE for practicing in HK/China.
    Cheers, Lisa
  3. alaricsam Welcome New Poster

    Thank you! very much appreciated :D
< Subhallucal interphalangeal sesamoiditis | Podologo in Spain >

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