< Rehab of the forefoot | Biomechanical changes following shockwave for plantar fasciitis >
  1. CorneHaast Member

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    I have to share this with you. There is a shop in the Netherlands, where a big investor has invested a lot of money in an impressive shop, and a webstore. They are trying to conquer the Dutch market. When advising running-shoes, they SCAN the presssure beneath the shoe, and based on that scan they advise the right shoe! I am completely knocked out:bang::pigs::craig::dizzy:

    Attached Files:

  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Do they have a website?
  3. CorneHaast Member

    All4running.nl. when you click "winkel" on top of the page you will see their shop, and the pictures I attached.
  4. toomoon Well-Known Member

    Looks like an E-Med system.. not designed to use with shod foot and needs to be calibrated.. which I bet it is not,, but all the same, this is a REALLy impressive store.. I will check it out when next in A'dam
< Rehab of the forefoot | Biomechanical changes following shockwave for plantar fasciitis >

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