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  1. Have you considered the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp Online, for taking it to the next level? See here for more.
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Have you considered the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp Online, for taking it to the next level? See here for more.
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  1. Not sure how I got to write about this one!

    We have all seen those bunion correctors (like these) being widely touted in social media and other places as a way to cure bunions (which have turned up a lot for me in the last few days as I clicked on a link about them). This did prompt me to blog about one example that was really pathetic (see: Bunion...
    4.5/5, 2 votes

  2. Just what is functional hallux limitus? This has been occupying my mind too much since I posted this and recorded the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp video on functional hallux limitus.

    I think we all agree on the definition of what functional hallux limitus...
    5/5, 3 votes
  3. Short Foot Exercise

    Is the short foot exercise a panacea for all that ails the foot?

    Is the short foot exercise a panacea for all that ails the foot?
    If you believed some of the propaganda and rhetoric, then the short foot exercise (or its variants) are a panacea for all that does ails the foot, especially a lower medial longitudinal arch. Firstly, not one outcome study has been done, so we have no idea. Secondly, anyone recommending a 'one-size-fits-all' approach to anything is ...well, you know what I want to say.

    What is the Short Foot...
    5/5, 2 votes

  4. The abductory twist is a common observation seen during a gait analysis and I have blogged about this here.

    We have had several threads here at Podiatry Arena on it:
    Abductory Twist
    Biomechanics of abductory twist...
    5/5, 1 vote
  5. Supination Resistance

    About the clinical test for supination resistance

    Supination resistance is a concept that I have been championing for a very long time. This blog post was probably the most comprehensive piece that I have written on it. There is not a lot of point in re-litigating all those issues again here, so I recommend you read it.

    The supination resistance test is not new. Kevin...
    0/5, 0 votes