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Anyone qualified by SMAE

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by shimmer, Aug 13, 2010.

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  1. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Paul UK,
    Re nail surgery - I was working single-handed at the time. I allowed gaps between ops for "catch-up time" and also to check that all the paper-work was in order.

    My point was that IMO 12 hours working days in podiatry aren't possible unless the work is basically routine or you have someone to do all the decontamination work and complete all the documentation.

  2. shimmer

    shimmer Active Member

    I have a nurse who works for me to do documentation and sterilization as it seems uneconomic for me to do it. Alot of you talk as if all you do is nail surgery. Is this so? Dont you give all round chiropody care? I find about 70% of my patients are elderly and just want their toe nails cutting. I have alos worked in the NHS surgeries and found the same. Nails surgery is only one part of chiropody. What about diabeteic assessments, dont you do those or bio-mechanic assessments.
  3. shimmer

    shimmer Active Member

    The children are actually not my husbands. My first husband left because he wanted a wife at home, bit old fashioned but not old fashioned enough to ask for maintenance off me. I do pay for all my childrens fees although only one is now left at school and I bought my first house at 22 years old way before I got married. Everything has been done through Chiropody, long hard hours, keeping patients happy and treating it as a business and not a charity.
  4. A couple of points: SMAE do not license you to practice as a chiropodist / podiatrist in the UK, the HPC do. So if you have your HPC registration, SMAE can take their certificate and do what they want with it. The second point is that when I qualified I got a certificate from the Society of Chiropodists, it too remains the property of them, and should I give up my membership, it should be returned to them; this was made clear when the certificate was awarded.
  5. toughspiders

    toughspiders Active Member

    Personally i'd love to be in a situation where i could live off a mans money!! I dont care about a low name!!!;)
    Still searching for that sugar daddy:pigs:
  6. I think Catfoot and Cornmerchant need to go away and think hard about their attitude. Last week I worked 2 x 10 hour days and 1 x 14 hour day, which included writing a 28 page medical report. Looking at the diary for this week I see that I have three 8am starts where the last patient is booked at 7pm and although there are one or two free slots, they will, in all likelihood be booked before long. Your criticism is unfounded, immature and stinks of everything that is wrong with the UK profession. Why don't you take your poisonous attitude back to the cesspit that masquerades as thatfootsite and keep the snip and growl away from Arena?
  7. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    Er...do other practitioners get someone else to do their documentation? I wouldnt "sign my name" to work undertaken by another person, and if it was a computer record, wouldnt that mean logging on under someone else's password? (confused now) .

    Anyway, looks like SimonSpooner has given Shimmer the info needed regarding her certificate...
  8. Kyrret

    Kyrret Active Member

    I believe it is the same for the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
  9. The key is that none of these professional groups dictate whether or not you can work as a chiropodist / podiatrist, the HPC do.
  10. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    I don't agree that my attitude is "poisonous" I think it's honest - if you don't like it Mark, that's your perogative.

    I don't support the unregulated sector, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to have it and express it.. (Although I would say there is a shed-load of difference between those who are training as FHPs now and those "old" SRChs who are making a futile personal protest by deregulating.)

    Those that don't like my opinion are free to go and stand on a soapbox somewhere else - preferably Scapa Flow.

    It seems it's OK to express an opinion as long as it agrees with Mark's??

    As for saving the profession, that's a bit ripe from someone who saw jumping ship as an answer.

    Practitioners are free to work whatever hours they choose. But I still say that 12 hour days on a regular basis = tired and demoralised practitioners.

    And BTW it wasn't me that started the discussion about working hours and threw a load of unrequested personal information into the mix.

    CF (head temporarily removed from fundament) :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  11. It's fine to have an opinion, providing it's not inflamatory or derogatory or personally insulting. I suggest you go back and examine your recent posts and reflect on what you wrote:

    As for "jumping ship" - what ship are you referring to? The HPC? And how do you propose to change its onerous approach to regulation? By continuing to pay your registration fees and having an occasional moan on websites like Arena? The HPC are failing the professions just as much as some of the membership organisations - you support them if you like. An increasing number of podiatrists have a rather different view.
  12. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    - Quote by Catfoot

    And BTW it wasn't me that started the discussion about working hours and threw a load of unrequested personal information into the mix.

    isnt that a case of nah, nah, nah, nah nah
  13. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    OK Mark,
    We'll agree to differ.

    I'm still incredulous that anyone could take 4 years to do the SMAE course, I've never heard of it before, that's why I asked the question.

    And I think we all know that that "relaxing footbaths" and "complimentary foot massages to promote circulation" are the hallmark of the privately-trained. Many FHPs tend to use these "treatments" to eke out appointment times and justify their fee. Let's face it it, if they had several chronic vascular corns to enucleate and pad, chairside orthotics to make, diabetic assessments to do etc etc there wouldn't be time for all this cat-fa**ing about that should come under the title of "beauty therapy".

    Re HPC

    Well, maybe they do, maybe they don't, so far we've only heard your opinion.

    Normally you post some good stuff, Mark, but IMO your last-but-one post was full of Haggis.

    Footsie - no - the "na na nana na "you refer to happens to be the truth.

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  14. You're welcome to your opinion.
  15. footsiegirl

    footsiegirl Active Member

    Personally, I dont carry out reflexology or any other kind of ology. I always carry out an assessment, document my findings, perform routine foot care - sometimes this requires enucleating a corn or treating verrucae etc, and often it involves fashioning paddings and simple orthoses. I document what I have done and what advice I have given. Sometimes it results in a referral to the GP, District Nurse or other department, and if so i undertake this in a professional manner.

    The inference that FHPs try to eek out their time to justify their payment is not only unjust but inflammatory and serves no purpose here. I'm sure we all know of practitioners, all all levels, who's practice is less than desirable?
  16. I preferred this response when it was about eating haggis and catfood, which I was in the process of responding to, until it got changed.

    Good to see another UK discussion descending into oblivion.
  17. This one?
    Made the same comment about UK threads on many occassions. Why is it that some colleagues have such an obvious insecurity complex that they have to criticise and humiliate at any and every opportunity - usually behind a psuedonymn?
  18. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi all
    Ive sat watching this thread which has given me much enjoyment:D and promised myself I wouldn't get involved.


    The spite, rudeness and ignorance now being shown on the thread changed that

    It never ceases to amaze me how the misguided ill informed few that promote division and soap box how superior they are totally ignore the situation we are currently in.

    I have a nail studio opened locally that is doing....diabetic footcare for ÂŁ20.

    What do you suggest we do about that ??

    Oh lets ignore it and have a go at a smae trained podiatrist instead

    Dont ever try to build a private practice catfoot you would never stand the strain. Perhaps your precious attitude to work could be improved if you weren't so lazy ?
    Ask your colleagues in private practice how many hours they have to work when building a practice!!

    Assumptions are made by the ill informed about practitioners competence when they have no way of knowing what that competence is, so it basically means nothing except to inflate their own ego's and promote their own self importance.

    Well done shimmer you made a successful practice and have reaped the benefits, good for you. You obviously practice at a level that suits you safely and effectively.

    I'm smae trained originally as well :eek:And for information I took around 7 years to complete the full range of courses that were available at the time, and no I didn't fail any modules.

    I provide a full range of podiatry services to my patients as I have for over 20 years and also have other properties and a reasonable lifestyle.

    I work with other practitioners ( their choice) who are members of the SCP and BMA which I'm informed is "the best day in their practice" as they get a varied enjoyable day.

    So there we are catfoot, how ever will you sleep tonight knowing there are two very successful smae trained pods out here?

    Perhaps if you invest in a vacuum autoclave your surgery packs would be ready for you to use and a good practice management system that speeds up record keeping, or try optical laser scanning /vertical loading pressure systems for your Rx orthtoics?? I DO!!

    I could go on but I think you get the point


    Agreed, it's called being gutless and cowardly.

    We all know where this is going Si

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  19. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Before this thread gets closed or posts are removed, :rolleyes:

    You have to give a full years notice of leaving the smae and return your diplomas if leaving or them being called back by the smae.

    You are in a familiar position to many that have posted here over the years and as another said on this thread , yes Batt will come after you through the courts if you don't comply.

    Sorry but that's how it is as far as I understand it.

    The rudeness and general contempt shown to graduates of this organisation by many of the staff and others within is IMHO disgraceful and totally unnecessary.


    IMO It is governed on a basis of fear and innuendo in advice in many instances.

    The bottom line is it is a business and is run as just that with the maximum control being exercised.

    Pay your money and send a letter to resign followed by a receipted email ( it must be at least a full year before you will be released) or you will be charged a second years insurance premium.

    As Simon posted it is the HPC that govern whether you are a registered podiatrist NOT the smae so does it really matter if you have a bit of paper on your wall.??

    Your patients will remain loyal to you as long as you provide them with the tx they require and are happy.

    My advice ignore the bitches( or should that be bitching :rolleyes:) on this site and carry on as long as you can do so safely.

    Be Lucky

  20. Wise words, well said. :drinks:drinks, Del.
  21. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Thanks Si.:drinks

    Just gets on my nerves with this continual old guard attitude which again IMO is one of the main reasons for the state of this profession.

    There are far more important things that are happening around us

    we still get the few carping on about the same ill informed prejudice.

    Another prophecy I will make :-.......

    Expect a flood of FHP's arriving from ALL the FHP teaching establishments.
    We will be entering a period of high unemployment and therefore many will chase the dream of "start a new career in foot care".
    They will pay the money be given training and be sent into the blue yonder to sink or swim.

    If they cant make a go of it ,they can get further training ( at a price) and if it dosent then work....well perhaps this is not for you?

    That's how it works in reality.I know of one such establishment that is activly expanding their clinics and lecture facilities as we speak.

    It can't be stopped !!

    Stop attacking the past get over it and move on :rolleyes:

  22. Here's how I see it, forgive me if I borrow a great one liner or two from Rowan Atkinson to illustrate my point: There are some great podiatrists who went through the old SRCh system, and there are some I wouldn't trust to sit the right way round on a toilet seat; there are some great podiatrists who came through non-SRCh routes, and there are others that upon meeting them I thought to myself, either this person is mentally sub-normal, or the new vacuum cleaner has just arrived- what's the difference?

    FHP's? Some of them will be doing a good job and some of them will be vacuum cleaners/ backward toilet seat sitters.

    Now lets say Johnny podiatrist was for some reason unable to use the term podiatrist tomorrow; y'all know he'd be a FHP the day after. So the FHP title is analogous to a parachute. Personally, I'm more interested in the shop assistants giving foot care advice, performing assessments in the shop front and "prescribing" foot orthoses / therapeutic footwear with next to zero training than I am about FHP's. Now they are dangerous.:hammer:

    Thanks to t'internet, every man and his dog are now "experts" on foot and lower limb biomechanics- JEEZ.

    Out of interest, I have noticed over the years the difference in my brother's earnings and mine, he is a dentist. Can I call myself a "mouth health practitioner"?
  23. Which is why the regulation by the HPC is a joke. And besides, if you have been practising as a podiatrist prior to the Health Professions Order and you haven't been struck off by the CPSM, the HPC cannot stop you using the title podiatrist or chiropodist under the Human Rights Legislation. So you pay your money for what exactly?
  24. Interesting, tell us more... Any test cases?
  25. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    My question to all that arrive with the "anti pronation / supination trainers after having their "gait analysis" is...and what qualifications did the "assessing person" have??
    Was it a tick box exercise to sell you an overpriced pair of trainers or a genuine medical analysis??

    Yup, years ago I just had to know more than the patient about biomx.
    Nowadays I have to dispel all they have read on the interweb:empathy:, been advised by whoever and the tell them the proper way forward.

    i had a dentist in here the other week who took a sharp intake of breath when I told him the cost of the scanning /Rx orthotics, :rolleyes: (no way extortionate btw)

    Did I make his ears bleed:eek: ,he did apologise for the error of judgment :D

  26. There may be soon enough. Depends on whether the HPC wish to test it.
  27. So, in your opinion, exactly how does the Human Rights Act relate to the HPC being unable to prevent the use of the title podiatrist or chiropodist?
  28. I can't tell you that, at the moment, Simon. But you could always direct the question to the Society, who obtained a legal opinion on the matter some years ago, but decided not to inform the membership of its conclusions.
  29. Thanks for your honesty, Mark. Call me a chicken, but I'd like to see a test case before I give up my registration, my guess is that if we had such a case which ruled in favour of the clinician, the registration numbers might dwindle somewhat from all professions. Call me a sceptic, but I can't see that coming in the near future.

    Question: if you sum up the registration fees of all those registered with the HPC, what does it add up to? Quick fag packet calculation: how many pods registered with the HPC x registration fee = ÂŁ?

    So, if we take out the salaries of all those employed by the HPC, where does the remainder (if there is any) of the money go? My guess is that it is not a "not for profit" organisation and that they do not run at a loss, so the profit goes.... into the NHS? Into healthcare in general? Wouldn't it be great if it did? Again, call me Simon Sceptical, but I suspect it might go elsewhere. Trident, anyone? After all, it's proved very useful in Afghanistan. "Little bit of politics"...
  30. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    I make you both right on this point.
    Its a very daunting prospect to "give it all up" only to find yourself isolated

    Mark ,
    I have always respected your commitment to the passion you have shown , not just now but over many years in your way forward in the profession albeit we have crossed swords many times over different topics in the past, and your guts to practice what you preach.
    Simon has a point.

    If the HPC want to get rid of you they will invent a charge and strike you off. You know that from the trouble you had from them in the past.

    You have taken the step of de- registering from the lot :drinks

    Good luck my friend ,but for most of us its a bottle job :eek:

    Show me anything where the authorities come down on the side of the clinician = I'll show you a migration
  31. shimmer

    shimmer Active Member

    Thank goodnes at last some sensible and knowledgable Chiropodists. Thank you for your support and knowledge. I will write a letter to Smae tomorrow to resign, pay my dues and carry on as I have always done.
  32. From here on in you may choose to "go it alone" or join another professional body. They will all take money from you for the privilege, they may even send you a certificate (that you may have to return upon your resignation from them) as long as you have insurance cover and you don't become professionally isolated, those are the important things. Good luck with your future.:drinks
  33. Del,

    The HPC are immaterial; small fry in the scheme of things. I am neither isolated or at any disadvantage, financially or professionally and I am fortunate to have a practice with over two and a half thousand fantastic patients (and counting) built up over the previous four years. The HPC - like many of the institutions these days is self-serving and politically governed - and using a select number of members from the professions, claim legitimacy. The HPC primary role is "to protect the public" - not the professionals. And for a number of reasons as previously discussed, they fail in this role too.

    I'm afraid I am getting rather anarchic in my old age. I recently informed HMRC that I would not be sending them any money towards my tax bill because of our government's role in an illegal war in Iraq; using taxpayers money to rescue the banks and a number of other issues, including the fraudulent use of public funds to recompense MPs expenses. Instead, I have donated my tax funds to a local primary school who have had their application for new sports facilities turned down for the last three years. No doubt I'll piss someone off sufficiently to warrant a few days in court, but that's a story for another day. Until then, I will do, as "Shimmer" suggests - pay any dues to any ethical and incorruptible body that requires it - and carry on as normal.

    All the best.

    (and PS - that's me just finished writing notes and letters for today's patients at 20:55 - which with an 8am start makes it a 13 hour day - Catnip please note)
  34. blinda

    blinda MVP

    :good:Ditto....what he says. Shop around.
  35. Who's he? The cats father?:D
  36. blinda

    blinda MVP

  37. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    I make you right on all points:cool:

    :rolleyes:Go on

    And your tellin me ????:D

    Rebel to the end :drinks

    Good luck mate

  38. carolethecatlover

    carolethecatlover Active Member

    Power to your elbow, shimmer, I agree with footsie girl, there seems to be unwarranted nastiness. When I enquired about doing podiatry at The Foot Hospital in about 1980, I was told that they wanted to keep it a male profession or the wages would go down. Maybe for women, SMAE was the only way to go.....
    I was thinking of doing the SMAE course, as I am halfway thru my uni course, but won;t now. They have shown their true colours. I have a manicure and pedicure cert from Beauty School. Gets ;me insurance.
  39. Hate cats. They **** in my garden.
  40. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    You have past the current years insurance deadline !!

    You have till May next year to resign.

    You will then have to pay A FULL YEAR in 2011 to be released and resign:eek:

    Good innit :mad:
    Be Lucky
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