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AQP anyone doing it?

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by hann, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    contracts should have been awarded by 26 september heard nothing yet other than an e mail asking which pcts i wanted to provide service for.typical they ask 26 supplementary questions with an 8 hour deadline but are 1 month behind thier own schedule.got my nhs smart card today and activated it it worked so can access choose and book. will have to wait and see what happens next.
  2. Julian Head

    Julian Head Active Member

    total waste of time, this is half the routine fee.....why is anyone bothering? We need the SCP to sort this but they also need to be realistic that we dont and wont work for that little....who would?

    Anyone going to an SCP meeting who can give them an up to date price list? :p
  3. hann

    hann Active Member

    Hann here.
    Well we submitted all the forms which in effect was a 12000 word dissertation. we had 10 days as the aqp people did not answer our queries quickly. The spec was tendering for high risk diabetics not requiring treatments ( how many are there of them)The form asked you to describe nail surgery! ?!?!? The whole exercise was unclear and confused. I believe only the nhs itself qualified and they are now querying the spec! Im not convinced its actually going to be rolled out now. Id say proceed with caution........:confused:
  4. russk

    russk Welcome New Poster

    We submitted a 58000 application for AQP and we were accepted on the condition of reg with CQC due to using doppler at a fee of £8k+ as we have to reg as a small clinic providing hospital services!!!! This with cost of choose and book coupled with not getting paid until Rx complete(maybe 6 Months) we withdrew application.

    Last week we received an email from local commissioner to say they now say we do not need CQC reg and would we reconsider our withdrawal. However CQC say you do if doppler is being used!!!!

    So we have still binned the idea and opened a new clinic instead. Stick with good old private practice its a lot less hassle

  5. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    got accepted 150 hrs to fill in the application going live april watch this space as we step into the unknown. ps the society cannot sort this they are clueless the guy employed to deal with aqp has left. ps told you guys 9 months ago that doppler cqc wash going to be a bitch
  6. hann

    hann Active Member

    Good luck fishpod. Let us know.
  7. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    hi russ who is your commisionner who dropped cqc i would like mine to. so the info would help. pm me if its sensitive ta fishpod
  8. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    finally cqc has been dropped for aqp.supply to health podiatry implementation pack section 4 page 107 . the society of dchiropodists use of a doppler is ancillary to a regulated activity . so hcpc is all that is needed . hallelluja well done society of pods,its worth my membership for this. could have got there faster though only look 1 year to sort out yeha
  9. colpod

    colpod Member

    So fellow AQP podiatrists. Who did what and what do we all think?

    We have been accepting referrals on C&B now since April and a fairly steady flow for problem corns, nails, basic biomechanics and nail surgery. Have really tried to push the nail surgery as local nhs dept has a long waiting list. I am offering same week, even same day treatment and this is going down well with some local GP's.

    We have people coming in to try and get some routine nail cutting but they seem to get it that we cannot do this. A one off treatment and then away with information on self care or back to their GP for referral into local NHS community service.

    Biomechanics is an issue as we can only treat 'basic' problems such as heel or forefoot pain with basic orthoses, advice, strapping, etc. Anything more complex and we have to send them back to the NHS. The problem is most of them have seen the local NHS and struggle with their bulky orthoses they have been prescribed and cannot get a review appointment for months and the GP does not know what to do with them. It is surprising how many are wanting to buy better orthoses and I am offering this service, but this could be an issue down the line. Good record keeping is the key.

    Not sure how much money we are making from it yet, just sorting out the first 6 months figures, not sure it is going to make great reading. C&B costs a lot each month and the admin time on the paperwork takes up quite of a lot time.

    Interesting to know how anyone else is doing.

    Colin Papworth
  10. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    Doing nail ops same week no paperwork v minimal send invoice to Wakefield get paid yahoo not doing any of the other **** to much work for the money it's nail ops where the greenbacks are located not on cb just get referals e mailed.wait for next game in town.all the best fellow aqp ers ps I know exactly how much I am making from it by the hour the day and the minute , approx 5 quid per minute.
  11. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    Colpod you cannot offer to sell them orthotics it is against the terms of your contract be careful

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