< POD SEEKING JOB IN CANADA | Podiatrist needed in Brandon Manitoba >
  1. StephM87 Welcome New Poster

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    I am interested in relocating to canada to work as a podiatrist. I understand there are certain areas that I cannot work in, that aside, I am wondering what wages are like and if opportunites exist?

    I currently work in both the private sector and public system here in a high risk foot service. Would there be a demand for skilled podiatrists in this area? Do podiatrists work in the public health sector in canada?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Id be relocating with a small family.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Karey Fleming Active Member

    Podiatry in Canada from my knowledge is not provincially legislated which means each province works a bit different. In most places, podiatrists are not in the public sector as our public health care coverage does not cover these services. I own a clinic in Nova Scotia and most of our podiatrists come from the UK. They are all private and the extent of surgeries are done in clinic such as ingrown nails. Please check out my job posting here. We based our salary on the Canadian standard range.
    www (dot) healthwalks(dot)ca/podiatry-services
< POD SEEKING JOB IN CANADA | Podiatrist needed in Brandon Manitoba >

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