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    Foot Pain? Custom-made Insoles Offer Relief
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  6. Karl Landorf Member

    Congratulations to the authors of this review - it is outstanding. It is very well written, rigorous, and uses the latest Cochrane review techniques to minimise bias.

    It is important that clinicians and researchers (and the general public) view the review for what it is: a rigorous review of appropriate trials that have evaluated the effectiveness of custom-made foot orthoses for the treatment of foot pain. Importantly, the review presents no new data, other than that which has been pooled from the trials that were included in the review.

    I would encourage readers to take this into account and not begin the often usual campaign of attempting to discredit the authors because they (the reader) may not like the conclusions. All the authors have done is reviewed currently available data in a highly systematic and unbiased way.

    Quite simply, the authors have performed an excellent review of the available evidence, and this review has used the best possible methods to reduce bias in their conclusions. Well done to all involved.


    Karl Landorf
  7. Josh Burns Active Member

    Thanks Karl,
    Fiona has done a wonderful job with this ambitious systematic review. She conducted it last year as her Podiatry Honours project and received First Class Honours and the University Medal for her outstanding effort.

    More recently Fiona was awarded the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts Award in Health and has had the paper accepted for conference presentation at the upcoming IASP 12th World Congress on Pain in Glasgow, United Kingdom and the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics meeting (i-FAB) in Bologna, Italy.

    The review has already been picked up by several international media outlets including:

    Arthritis Research Campaign http://www.arc.org.uk/news/article/18689396
    Science Daily http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080715204834.htm
    Irish Health: http://www.irishhealth.com/index.html?level=4&id=13900

    Kind regards

    Josh Burns
    - an obviously proud supervisor
  8. krome Active Member

    Hi Joshua

    Excellent work by the team. This will build upon the evidence-base in the area of foot orthoses
< Hip Abductor Weakness and Lower Extremity Kinematics During Running | Plantar pressure distribution in older people with osteoarthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal j >

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