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Employment futures for newly qualified podiatrists

Discussion in 'Employment in the United Kingdom' started by rachel.liminton, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. rachel.liminton

    rachel.liminton Active Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    As a newly qualified pod I am just a tad concerned about the limited employment now available in the NHS. Ideally I would have preferred some NHS experience before attempting to set myself up in private practice, however financial necessity has forced me to plunge into the deep end and attempt to work for myself. However, I am just wondering what employment opportunities are out there (for new grads with good degrees) in the private sector. Grateful for your thoughts.:boohoo::pigs:
  2. Lizzy1so

    Lizzy1so Active Member

    :eek:I would recommend writing to your local trusts and setting up some observation/ voluntary work, or perhaps bank work, you may already have contacts perhaps through placement? Although most new grads seem to look at the NHS as mecca you may find that there are some amazing podiatrists/foot surgeons working privately in your area able to provide treatments outside the remit of the NHS. If you read similar posts to yours on this forum you will see enthusiasm and interest is often rewarded with offers of work experience. Tell us were you are based and see what happens. Good luck with your career and dont get down hearted.
  3. Career Cross Ltd

    Career Cross Ltd Active Member

    Hi Rachel,

    Please send us a copy of your CV to sean@careercross.co.uk we might have some opportunities available for you.



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