< A Negative Life Event Impairs Psychosocial Stress, Recovery and Running Economy of Runners | Skeletal Evidence For Crucifixion In The Ancient World >
  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

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    Woke up this morning and there was something different. I am no longer a podiatrist and have joined the former foot physician brigade. After 42 years, man and boy I am literally foot loose and fancy free. Over the years I have enjoyed making a contribution to the group and would like to thank Craig and Co for making this forum possible. It has been a tonic following the various threads as well as catching up with friends, former students, and new colleagues. Please keep it going.

    As for me I am now a full time blogger and with 16 blogs that should keep me out of mischief. Can I take this opportunity of wishing all well for the future and a happy and fulfilling holiday season.

    Catch me if you want at foot talk blog <http://foottalk.blogspot.com.au/> and toeslayer fb page <https://www.facebook.com/toeslayer/?ref=bookmarks>

    Kindest regards

    toeslayer (just for Kevin, that's Cameron Kippen Esq) Oh yes I also answer to Syd.


    Love and kisses from downunder
< A Negative Life Event Impairs Psychosocial Stress, Recovery and Running Economy of Runners | Skeletal Evidence For Crucifixion In The Ancient World >

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