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Excilor Treatment for Onychomycosis

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by JamesC, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. JamesC

    JamesC Member

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    Hi all,

    I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the Excilor treatment for Onychomycosis & what the general consensus is on whether it works and what your opinions are on the treatment as a whole; and as to whether its worth recommending to patients the same way that Pods would suggest Curanail & Lamisil etc.

  2. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Hi James,

    Personally, I don`t recommend Excilor, or any other product, that does not contain fungicidal ingredients. Excilor is classified as a medical device, not an anti-fungal medicine. See here;


  3. JamesC

    JamesC Member

    Lovely, Thanks Bel!
  4. Phil Wells

    Phil Wells Active Member

    Hi all

    Just as an aside, Excilor was on Groupon recently with all the hype they could muster!

  5. AngieR

    AngieR Active Member

    The active ingredient in Excilor is 'cider vinegar'. I was intrigued at the last Foot Health conference so asked the rep!
    I won't be recommending this product to any of my patients.
  6. littlsar

    littlsar Welcome New Poster

    we also had the excilor people at a seminar recently. a few of us thought we would take a further look, and several months later I was surprised that we saw a positive result on a few of the people who used it. These were practising pods with very mild infections.

    obviously this is very anecdotal and not a study in any way but potentially useful info for you.
  7. merchuca

    merchuca Welcome New Poster

    Hi James,
    I would not recommend it, as I saw in one of the post is just "vinegar". The very best treatment for a mild infection is clean the nail completely, take all the fungus reducing the nail as much as you can, and apply amorlfine 5% (curanail,loceryl). It is a shame is not commercialized cliclopirox in England, which is also good. Anyway, in my experience bur the nail as much as you can is the best option taking 95% of the fungal with it. I saw very good results using different treatments after that.
  8. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    This clinical trial was just registered:
    Efficacy and Safety of a Medical Device for the Treatment of Toenail Onychomycosis

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