< Scandinavian podiatry | Greetings from ireland >
  1. Buckeye boy Welcome New Poster

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    Hi all fellow DPMs. I have a very busy practice collecting over 1M per year and after 20 years I'm ready to move on. I joined this forum to hear other DPM stories of selling their practice, how they did it ie. medical broker, valuations, average price, etc.
    Buckeye boy
  2. Karey Fleming Active Member

    All the best! I'm not sure what the landscape is in the USA but here in Canada, particularly in the east coast provinces, we have a shortage. Can you help me understand how podiatry works in the USA to help me understand where to recruit? Here in Canada, there are only a couple of provinces where podiatrists are physicians. Most are chiropodists but are called podiatrists. We need to recruit a 2nd chiropodist and wonder what states we should focus on.
    Any help you may have would be greatly appreciated.
< Scandinavian podiatry | Greetings from ireland >

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