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  1. kevinthekin Welcome New Poster

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    Hello all
    i am a kinesiologist from vancouver canada and work people who are referred for global foot and ankle strength and conditioning as it related to workplace or recreational contexts. so my desire to have a medium to discuss was born. if there is anything at all you wish to ask me directly feel free. cheers, ktk
  2. twirly Well-Known Member

  3. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Welcome Kevin, what is the global bit? Do you have "typical" programmes/is each one different?
    What would be your average program time?
    I know this is very basic but if I really asked you would be getting RSI from having to answer in depth? :--))
  4. kevinthekin Welcome New Poster

    by global i meant programs that integrate knee and hip function in order to facilitate the functioning of and in support of the foot...all of my programs are different lengths and can range in time from 5 mins to 30 mins for foot specific. the programs that integrate return to work and/or field can be regular workout times (ie 60 mins) as the variety of task can be very high. thanks for your interest and sorry about the delay in response i just had a baby (too proud sorry about the gush of unnecessary info.)...talk soon. kh
  5. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Congrats,, no way is that an unnecessary thing to gush about, gush all you want.

    Thanks for the other info,

    Check out gushing, search for arennetta's (hope they are well)

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