< Concerned and shocked newbie | Australian Podiatrist going to UK as locum >
  1. Tima Welcome New Poster

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    Hi, my name is Fatima and I am hoping to rid myself of bilateral neurovascular planter corns-with bilateral additional fifth metatarsal bones very close in touching distance to the corns.

    I am 44 and cannot put my feet on the floor without pain. My first large neurovascular corn was surgically removed in morocco when I was 7 or 8 years old.
    I have had the current corns for over 20 years.
    They were initially treated as verrucas.
    Today I have seen podiatrists orthotics and surgeons, all have said the most that can be done is a surgical debridement.
    I also have a letter from a podiatrists that suggests a deeper debridement would result in more issues.
    I am desperate to be able to put my feet on the floor without pain.
    Years of trying to compensate for the pain has affected my bodies alignment. Nobody understands how detrimental this issue has been for my body or the pain that comes with it all.

    Please Can you offer any signposts to getting these removed once and for all.
    Any information you can offer would be very much appreciated. I am at a loss and very desperate for information.

    Thank you
  2. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    What country are you in Fatima?
  3. Tima Welcome New Poster

    I’m in london Uk and you
  4. Dan T Active Member

    If they are in a similar location bilaterally and you don't have significant deformity you will almost certainly benefit from insoles. If you have accessed orthotics within the NHS I can say these departments are very hit or miss as to whether the staff have any idea what they are doing. You're likely to have your feet stuck in a box and given the resultant insole. Chronic long term pressure can cause these types of corns and I've seen them go away once pressure is removed for a time. Tissue quality might remain poor for a while but pain will subside. There are some good off the shelf insoles you can try in combination with the correct footwear which would likely help in the intermediate term, if you post a picture of yourself (lower limb) standing in a natural & relaxed stance from the front/side, as well as soles of feet to see exactly where they are I could possibly point you in the right direction. Or if it's atypical there are more than a couple great podiatrists in London
< Concerned and shocked newbie | Australian Podiatrist going to UK as locum >

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