< New Species Discovered? | The 'Podiatry Song' >
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    If a dentist and a podiatrist got into a knife fight, who would win?

    See this from Yahoo! Answers
  2. gez Member

    This could be an amazing book. Podiatrist could finally get the street cred we deserve if we win!
    I'm hoping the podiatrist will win, but as one of the replies rightly states, dentists are trained in the art of torture!
    However, podiatrists are trained in the little known martial art of "sharp debridment". The losing dentist would be left looking like swiss cheese with lots of corn size holes all over their body!
  3. Cameron Well-Known Member


    Moons ago was in attendance at a podiatry disco (yes with strobe lights and flared trousers) I witnessed a knife fight between two podiary students. Well one was carrying and the other not. Eventually the knife carrying podiatry student was convinced not to proceed. Perhaps he went onto take on a dentist?

    When I was a boy, all those years ago, I was stabbed and left for dead in a street melee. Survived of course and have the scars to prove it.

    By chance the fellow who stopped the fight at the podiatry disco was interupted during a clinical session with the sound of screetching breaks outside his practice. He dashed to the roadside to give assistance and was almost imediately joined by another Samartaran. Looking down at the unconscious pedestrian they quickly checked each others crudentials out before starting CPM. 'I'm a podiatrist,' said my colleague, "that good said the other fellow, I'm a dentist!"

    Maybe in the story they can make up and become succesful paramedics?

    Have a good one
  4. domhogan Member

    Who ever wins the fight, I am sure the dentist & podiatrist would fight tooth & nail!
  5. carolethecatlover Active Member

    Love it! As a former dental nurse, who begged to become a dental hygienist, and was paid sh** by dentists, I will fight as a podiatrist. Let me tell you, I would love to kill a dentist or two, and their stuck up, attending private school kids, who are going to be dentists too.....
    I am sharpening my knife collection....my best knives are from shoe-making....I once stuck one in the croach of an Italian who tried to feel me up at a shoe fair in Milan....yeah...bring it on! I really would do this. No problems with my conscience on it.
  6. Sammo Active Member

  7. I nominate Carole to fight the dentist.......:rolleyes::cool::eek:
  8. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    Yep, my money is definitely on Carole too:boxing:

    Go Carole!
  9. carolethecatlover Active Member

    Thanks guys! I went to have a look at the original post on Yahoo answers.....they are all betting on the dentist. They are gonna lose!
  10. medisrch Active Member

    Go on pull the other one! Would win!:hammer:
  11. Chris Benham Welcome New Poster

    Strange that I should read this today.

    I took a call this morning from a patient who I have not seen for some years.

    "Are you still doing the Orthodontics?" He asked.

    I replied; "I think you mean Orthotics"

  12. Peter Well-Known Member

    Check out Pedro123s response!

    Hope that maniac is on this board?

  13. This reminds me of the old pirates vs ninjas argument.

    Well lets consider weaponry. Now the drill is a fearsome tool indeed, but only once your victim is prone. And of course WE have them too!

    In probes and such, there is little to choose between the sides.

    However, dentists rarely are able to access 10 blades, nor will they be as adept in their use! And a 10 blade is a terrifying thing to be waved at you, as any bouncer would testify.

    And then, of course, there is the lab option. Carbon fibre can take a wicked edge.

    Pods. Every time.

  14. Donnchadhjh Active Member

    I am with Robert for sure - if my dentist ever waved a #10 or even a #15 at me I question her competencies.

    If a Pod did it - that would be undrstandable.

  15. twirly Well-Known Member

    Aha but at uni' many an injury occurred to those favouring an 11 blade! :eek:

    Usually though upon themselves. :empathy:

    Nary a dentist in sight. :boxing:

    I think the dentist may have an additional weapon in the armoury. If he/she yells LOOK UP! The opponant would then be mesmerised by the Where's Wally/Waldo poster on the ceiling. :butcher:
  16. Actually, on reflection the way forward would be to draw a gun. Just remembered Sean Connery in the untouchables. ;)

  17. Donnchadhjh Active Member

    Mandy: Yup - totally agree. Havent used one (on a patient) since I graduated.

    Robert: Thinking outside the box again? (Cheater;))
  18. wdd Well-Known Member

    Sorry I think you are all well off the mark on this one. Let me clarify things for you.

    Obviously the podiatrist and dentist are not fighting one another with a knife. They are fighting for ownership of the knife.

    The knife is apparently part of an expensive set of cutlery (read relative status, social and economic advantage of the two parties but why not make it three and include medical doctors). The podiatrist wants his fair shair of the set of cutlery and is fighting to get it.

    What he doesn't realise is that the dentist has, after what seems a convincing wrestling match, allowed the podiatrist to run off with the knife because the knife isn't, in reality, part of the expensive set and is in fact an old potato peeler.

    Of course what the dentist doesn't realise is that his cutlery set is only silver plated. He had wrestled it from the grip of a doctor who, after what seemed a convincing wrestling match, allowed the dentist to run off with it leaving the solid gold cutlery still in his possession.

    I bet you all feel better now that the issue is settled once and for all?

    The plot thickens.

    Bill Donaldson
  19. Johnpod Active Member

    Sorry Guys, obviously the podiatrist would lose - because he's quite accustomed to defeet!
  20. NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    This question has been asked again on Yahoo! Answers:
  21. LSHutch Member

    Firstly, may I congratualte Domhogan on the "Tooth and nail"comment, very clever, I had a good laugh at that!

    In reference to who would win, I can't help but think the dentists "happy gas" might come into play. Either to leave the opposition unconcious, ergo defenseless, or perhaps the two antagonists could just pump afore-mentioned gas through the air vents and enjoy each others company.

    I suppose that doesn't answer the question at all does it....I suppose the victor would be whoever had the biggest knife and longest reach.
  22. joejared Active Member

    I chose the "knife".
  23. N.Knight Active Member

    see before the dentist could use the laughing gas (unless a third party would pump it through the vents) the pods could cyro the dentist then take the knife and we win, simple.

    However do we know that the knife in question is not a single use instrument, if it was it would be a draw as no-one could get a blade on it.
  24. Zuse Active Member

    A podiatrist also has a band saw and grinder. im sure we could make some nasty wooden objacts out of those, hell we could make enough for a small army. we could also dowse the weapons with phenol to inflict some nasty burns and prevent any regrowths.

    Kind regards
  25. medisrch Active Member

    Don`t know whether the HPC would approve! Nor the BDA!

    Still it could be Christmas
  26. Scorpio622 Active Member

    The dentist would win. The podiatrist would only skim the epidermis, the dentist would retaliate by slicing the podiatrist's gum and then present a bill that induces a heart attack.
  27. Dido Active Member

    What a load of pugalists you all are - I am appalled ! :eek:

    The podiatrist would give the dentist a nice relaxing foot massage using all the pressure points and then they would be friends and not want to fight anymore, and both live happily ever after...............

  28. Dido:

    If I saw someone coming at me with a knife, I don't think my first reaction would be to offer a foot massage. :cool:
  29. Zuse Active Member

    lol! i dont think mine would be either!
  30. Neither! As the 2 bleed out from slow, deep gashes, the wives of the two daredevils would sip wine and tell tales of wealth as they high 5 each other for daring their better halves to a knife duel!

    PS What stared the knife duel was each other calling the other insulting names like:

    "Toenail Cutter!"
    "Tooth Impaler!"
    "Fungus Smelling, Toe Jam Man!"
    "Bad breath smelling, halitosis, spit in your face nobody!"
    " Fungus Fart!"
    "Dr. Drill Too Much!"
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