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Implications of AQP for privatre practice V's NHS

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by David Smith, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    i work in a gp practice no rent no bills no leccy free reception free typist 150 quid 3 times in one morning you do the math dtt, have to pay 40 percent tax already so even if i earn 150000 i still pay 40 percent its life we dont live in greece ya no .will have a fair bit left out of 150 disposable nail pack 6 quid la quid tourniqut 50 p advice sheet 4p dressing x2 80 p add abit for admin total cost less than a tenner so 140 quid for 1 hours work unfortunateley this will be taxed at 40 percent plus 1 percent national insurance so leaves me with 88 quid an hour . the one thing dtt forgets i will do lots of these way more than you in pp because the patient is not paying i will do at least 4 per week initially thats200 per year 30 grand a year, hours per week 4 most pp for sale are not making that much out of 3 days per week .dtt the phone and all them overheads im paying already they wont increase this is not a new buisiness but a bit of extra buisiness so professional fees etc are irrelivant. if you were doing it its just extra income. if you have staff doing it. its just extra income i also get 37.50 for domys but ive got another pod to do them so another 40 quid per hour for me .you have got to see the bigger picture. if you cant make a profit from 150 you need to bang down overheads and do a cost breakdown because i think 80 quid an hour is good i wish it was more but its not. sorry forgot phenol 500ml from chemist 15 quid expiry date 2 years so 8 quid per year plus cotton wool buds. ps my wife is one of them pharmacists 40 quid for a blood test not when they are getting 22 pounds per hour as a locum. u see dtt every thing is not as it seems. or working for boots as a 45 grand manager. you need to own the one to 4 million pound pharmacy to get your mits on the big bucks but you need a25 percent cash deposit to buy a pharmacy which if all goes well will returh 25/32 percent gross profit.sorry i dont do initial assessments a waste of the patient s and my time just come if they dont need surgery fee is 25 quid if need it i do it wam bam thank u mam.
  2. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    hey dtt you say 10 per week a reasonable living that would be 78 grand per year based on 52 weeks if i had a spare day i would do all 10 in one long day 1 day week 78 grand a year . that income up north would get you along way you can live in a wentworth house here for 700 grand, surrey i guess is monster expensive so overheads are massive they reckon if you earn 42 grand ayear you are in the top 10 percent of the uk population if you double it i guess the top 5 percent just goes to show the top 2 percent have all the dosh

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