< Dorsiflexion Blockage | Root-Weed are joints still left subluxed? >
  1. dougpotter Active Member

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    Do any of you have, or can you lead me to information regarding some of Dr. (DPM) Richard Schuster's theories on foot and ankle biomechanics and what method he employed when making orthotics?
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

  3. Stanley Well-Known Member

    Hi Doug,
    I did a fellowship at NYCPM in 1976-7 and spent time with him. I would go through his charts and put the results of his biomechanical exam and chief complaints in a numerical code for putting into a floppy disc for future research.
    Dick would always teach me something when I was there. I remember one night he taught me how to make a steel orthosis.
    I would be glad to answer any question you have.
  4. dougpotter Active Member

    Stanley, I appreciate that. I'll send you an email. I've read some information, but a lot of it is not easily accessible. Again, thank you for the time you've taken to respond.
< Dorsiflexion Blockage | Root-Weed are joints still left subluxed? >

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