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  1. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member

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    In our patient community I see a LOT of patients with that irksome ID maceration. I am interested to reach out to the global podiatry community to know this: how do you manage this very common pedal problem?
  2. MicW Active Member

    I simply advise my patients to apply methylated spirits via a cotton bud between their toes after showering/bathing. In the more humid months then maybe apply twice daily. Along with advice on non synthetic socks etc. Especially for diabetic patients as I believe that tinea is the leading cause of cellulitis in diabetic feet/legs and dehydration is a good deterrent for tinea.
  3. Carolin06 Welcome New Poster

    Surgical spirit. Once a day to start with. Then I recommend making a habit of applying it after bathing/showering. For those whose problem has cleared but are prone I always suggest a maintenance regime of once or twice weekly, which seems to keep it at bay.
  4. Elizabeth Humble-Thomas Active Member

    No question, after nearly 40 years experience, Gentian/ Crystal violet in spirit.
    Amazing, almost instant results.
    I refer you to an article named “19th century wonder drug rediscovered in 21st century’
    After hearing it was carcinogenic in the 1970s I read the research. Very feeble link, I would guess sponsored by a pharmaceutical company, so continued using.
  5. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member

    Carolin06/MicW - thank you

    Elizabeth - I can concur completely, my go to, esp in severe cases. Amazing results.

    My only 'grumble' - I wish there could be an equally potent clear color equivalent for GV so as not to stain skin, clothing, carpets etc etc. As for the link to 'carcinogen' - humbug.

    A poster on the FP Podiatry page, where I posted the same inquiry, deeply concerned 'implored' me to PLEASE stop using it because of the 'cancer scare'. He was thoughtful enough to send me a copy of the paper, which I duly read.

    Turns out this 'research' relates to the effects of force feeding mice with a lifetime of the product: apparently this killed off some mice. Oh my!

    I reassured my concerned colleague that I will be sure not to force feed a lifetime supply of GV to patients. It's always important to engage a critical mind anytime that a research finding is announced.
  6. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member

    Addendum: I have had one case when the patient developed a severe allergic reaction to GV that required hospital attention. I also know of two patients, on the topic of allergy, who react adversely to Benadryl. And there seem to be a bunch more folk now with asthmatic issues than years ago. While on this topic of an apparent change in the pattern of 'disease' propagation , I also now see a lot more older patients with verrucoid foot lesions. Was this always the case and we simply misdiagnosed the 'older' foot lesions as HD/IPK etc. Not sure .......
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
< Water Ice Levin | Reflexology is not an effective treatment for any medical condition >

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